Wednesday, November 9, 2011


And I'm not the only one aggravated here. It's me and each and every one of the HMs at work. What could cause so much turmoil in a workplace, you ask? Primarily, the lack of communication between EVERYONE!

Everything changed this school year. Well, most things. Like our supervisor, scheduling, and a bunch of people left. Fine. Whatever. We used to have weekly meetings with our previous supervisor and have been trying to reinstate those with the new supervisor. Our first meeting is scheduled this Friday. Two-thirds of the way into the semester!!!

Second, not even considering us when big decisions are make. Again, we used to be consulted when promotions were being considered. Lo and behold, this is no longer the case. And it frustrates me to all ends because of who they're choosing. We have been working with these people WAY longer than they have and have a MUCH better idea of their work habits/ethics. Who do they think they are? Yes, I understand they make the final decision, but I don't think they realize they are making poor decisions lately.

Third, hours have been cut WAY back. This time of year I would almost get 20 hours each week. At least 15. But now they're filling in with stage crew and giving our shifts to crew. And taking away shifts all together. Up until this past week, I was averaging 5 hours a week if I was lucky. Not cool!

It's junk like this that really makes me want to leave. Technically, if Cory can pick up more hours at his other job, we'd both be able to quit. And we are tempted. Everyone deserves a chance, but this is certainly the last straw! If things don't start changing after this meeting, I am out of here!

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