Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I was recently complemented for my very positive attitude. It was such a nice complement, but it surprised me a little too. I think we all tell others that we're "fine" when asked how we are. I try hard to be a little more honest about how I'm doing than "fine". Why not? If they're asking, I'll tell them. If they weren't genuine, maybe that will teach them a lesson. Maybe not. Either way, my usual response is "great" or "I'm going well." Well, I usually am. Granted, I am ALWAYS tired, hungry, in pain, anxious, frustrated, or some combination of the lot. But most of these come along with the territory that is pregnancy. SO, if I just push all that aside and focus on everything else, like the fact that I'm having a baby, or my wonderful husband, life is genuinely great.

It all comes with the attitude. There are some circumstances that we cannot change. There are some terrible things that happen. But I think with a little perspective and some gratitude for how good things really are, life can truly be great all the time. Does this mean that when terrible things happen to us that we should just pretend we haven't been through something terrible. No. I think that would be dishonest and make us even more miserable. And that's why Heavenly Father puts us into families and why we have friends. We are given others to love and to love us so we can rely on them and they upon us when these things happen. Knowing that I have people like that around me, people I can turn to when life genuinely sucks, makes life kind of great... even in the midst of misery.

Last week I got pretty upset at Cory for something. (We all do things to upset one another... not with that intent, but we're human and it happens.) Something dumb. But I was justified in my mind. And I probably was. I had every right to be angry. I was also determined to be a little immature about it. I was determined to give him the cold shoulder so he would know that I was upset with him. When I walked through the door that night, with that same determination. I went to walk past him, but then when I looked at him, I just had to hug him. How could I be so cold to a man I love so much and am SO blessed to have in my life? Was I still upset? Yes. But instead of being petty and immature, I talked to him. I told him how I felt. After that, I wasn't upset anymore. By changing my attitude a little bit, I was able to take a situation that made me miserable (granted, I was adding to my misery a bit) and turn it into a learning moment and a time where my husband and I could bond.

I hope I can continue to take really crummy moments in my life and turn them into learning opportunities, or moments of service and joy. I hope that I can teach this to my children so they can have happy and successful marriages. Attitude can be the difference in everything. And I think, at least I will try hard, to keep my attitude positive.

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