Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Where Do You Go?

Apartment hunting. Let me tell you. Not the most fun. I've decided that if we want to find a good deal on something close, we'd better start looking now. Granted, we still have 3 months, but a lot of places are opening up in May. My guess is that since there are about a million people getting married in April, a lot of these places opening up around then will be snatched up. We'd better start looking and get a deposit down on something so we're not stuck and paying and arm and a leg because we couldn't find anything reasonable.

Today I went to a neighborhood that had a lot of listings/openings. They were 2 bedroom 1 bath with w/d hookups for under 600 a month. Not shabby. So I thought I wanted to see if the area was decent enough - as in not crime-ridden. We're not super picky. We just don't want to die. So I called the property management and set up an appointment to view one of the apartments. I went a little early so I could check out the neighborhood. Here's what I found:

- Window screens torn and bent
- Car windows bashed in
- A permeating odor of garbage and sewage - and this was outside
- I'm pretty sure I saw a drug deal going on
- Men staring at me as I drove by

Notice that none of these things are direct issues with the apartments themselves.

Overall, I just didn't feel good about the area. On top of that, the places were managed by Aspen Ridge. I've never worked with them before, but I've heard a lot of people with a lot of issues with them. They don't have a great reputation.

Not a great start to the hunt. BUT! We're going to look at another apartment near where I already live, so closer to campus and in a safe area. It's a basement apartment and I'm really hoping with all the hope in my hopeful little heart that it looks decent, we can fit, and it will work. I just want to find something soon. I'm worried that looking after the semester ends will end up fruitless.

As a side note: Kid History has an episode 4 now!
And another side note: Tangled goes on sale next week!!!

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