Sunday, December 5, 2010

I Can See Clearly Now

This is a story of a very unfortunate circumstance and its very silver lining.

So I went to see my optometrist again this past week. You know, to check on those pesky ulcers that keep returning. The good news: they're finally healed. Again. The less good news, but still not bad news: we have discovered the main cause of this issue is probably chronic dry eyes. Therefore I have new eye drops to keep the eyes moist (have I ever told you how gross the word "moist" is to me?). And now I can only wear my contacts for 12 hours a day, maximum. Good thing my fiance has perfect vision... our children will have at least some hope. That's besides the point though. Here's the silver lining in all this ulcer business. Apparently all the scar tissue on my eye has formed in such a way as to pull on my cornea just so.... which, in return, has magically reduced my astigmatism. Fancy that! Now I have a trial pair of lenses that doesn't correct astigmatism. Meaning: My lenses are a little thinner, and MUCH less expensive! Well, that's not the true ending of the story. We'll find out next week if these lenses will keep so I can actually order them, or if I'll have to go back to the old astigmatism-correcting lenses that are twice as thick and cost an arm and a leg. But hooray for hope!

1 comment:

  1. The word "moist" is still not as gross to me as the word "lover" and "panties". ;-) It's weird but not as such. I'm glad at least the dry eye situation is curable and has fixed another problem. Unfortunately if you wanted to ever have lasik, that would be the down fall to that. Keep your head up and hopefully the new lenses work.
