Friday, February 26, 2010

Prone to Wander...

I finished my interview for the school of music a couple hours ago. I have no idea what to do if I don't get into the program this year. It's been suggested that I chose a minor at BYU at start working toward that. Okay, sounds like a good plan. Do that for a year, and try again the next year. I can do that. But what minor? I was thinking dance for a while. I love, Love, LOVE to dance and love to learn all different styles. This year it's tap, which is amazing. I know I want to interpret for the deaf at some point in time, but they don't have a program at BYU. I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens. Dr. Broomhead said they'd let us know in a couple weeks. That soon?!?

The interview went well. I'm glad my friend Justin interviewed just prior to me, so we got to talk for a while. Apparently one of my skills in life is making others feel reassured. Justin was good at reassuring me, which is nice when you're the reassurer because you're usually the one reassuring and not usually reassured. This reminds me of the conversation we had trying to fit "tumultuous" in as often as we could. My family has also been very supportive the past week or two. I'm just glad it's all over and now I wait. They mentioned that there were many qualified people applying and not enough places to put them all. I wasn't nervous until they said that and made me feel (this was not said, or implicitly implied... :)) as though I was less qualified and to not get my hopes up. Here's what I have to say about that: I may not be the most qualified person, but the things I lack, I more than make up for in determination. There are more important things than having incredible talent and not every proficient can teach. AND, not everyone is ME! So here's to hoping they like what they saw!

Plus, my roommates and I are trying to find a place closer to campus with private rooms under $350/m. Probably not going to happen, but we're hoping to find something. Otherwise, we'll just stay here. Together. Because we love each other that much.

It looks like a lot is happening this spring and I get to finally visit Rexburg. Never been there before. And why would I? April2: mission reunion. April10: my mission trainer is getting married in Rexburg (shock she finally picked one). April17: my cousin is getting married. April24: going to Disneyland with my family. Here's to April.

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