Monday, February 22, 2010

All the World is Waiting for the Sun

Waiting, waiting, waiting. Waiting for the sun to show his pretty little face. If you didn't get the update, today was FINALLY the audition for the School of Music/Choral Ed program. I've been preparing for this day for almost 6 months and thanks to my darling accompanist, Pam, it went off without a hitch... except for trying to find the room. Sometimes I think the HFAC is some kind of mystical and elaborate labyrinth. You'd think that I'd know this already, but who knew c-130 was the DeJong rehearsal hall? I wish they'd just tell you that's what it was instead of the whole room number thing. I think it took us 10 minutes just to find it in the abyss they call the first floor (which is really a basement of corridors and doorways). Luckily I tried to get there 20 minutes early, so we were there just on time. We even had a chance to watch a couple other people audition. They were there for the elementary ed program, but they were 2 of the 50 other people auditioning that day for the same 12 spots I was auditioning for. I felt a little bad for the two I saw because you could tell they were very nervous, and very young. I was nervous too, as evidenced in the incessant shaking of my left leg. Why the left? I don't know. However, I let my personality show and sang my little heart out. Miracle of all miracles, I caught a pretty bad cold... or something unpleasant which has altered the sound of my voice, but as I began to sing, I actually sounded like myself! I hope the judiciaries didn't see the shock in my face because it sure surprised me, especially since the past two days there has been obvious strain as I sang. I didn't get to sing my two songs completely through either since they were especially low on time. I'm not complaining because I didn't have to sing a high G with a cold. But if I didn't win them over with my voice, I sure did with personality. And now I can breathe... ahh....

Now time to wait. I have the interview with the program director on Friday morning and I won't know anything until April at the earliest. And I'm praying that everyone I sent recommendations to sent them back to the school. So, the portfolio is finished, my sample teaching is done, I've sent in samples of music I've performed, and even with all this, there's on a 1 in 5 chance I'll actually make it into the program this year. On the plus side, I have more life experience than many of the people applying, I served a mission, and I'm older (not necessarily corresponding to the life experience thing), which I hope gives me an edge on everyone else. I can hardly wait to find out what will happen next year. All the prayers worked for today, but we'll have to wait and see what April brings.

Thank you to everyone who me assisted in person or in spirit for this audition. It has been a major stressor the past couple of months, but made much easier by everyone's support. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

As a final note, it's the end of February, and I'm so ready for spring. In Chicago, I was fine with sub-zero or freezing temperatures because usually there was snow on the ground. If it's going to be this cold, please snow. I'll use it to go sledding or build a snowman. Otherwise, some sunshine and warm weather is completely welcome to join me here in Utah.

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