Saturday, June 16, 2012

39 Weeks

Yesterday I hit the 39 week mark. Yay! I also had one of my last doctor appointments until I'm due. I have one on my due date next week, but I'm really hoping I don't make it to that one. For those of you who are faint of heart when it comes to baby/pregnancy things, stop reading now. Here's what they told me: I'm 1 cm dilated and 50-60% effaced. This is really good since last week I was dilated to about nothing. She said that she has seen people in my condition go into labor that very night after seeing them. Well, that didn't happen, and I wasn't expecting it either. But I am hoping she'll come before my due date, just because I'm excited. I asked what happens if she doesn't come by my due date. Her response was that it all depends. If I look like I'm progressing, they could possibly schedule an induction the week of the 25th. If I'm not progressing, the soonest they'd schedule an induction is the 29th. So either way, I won't go much over 41 weeks, which is nice. We'll get to see out baby girl very soon! So far I haven't had many contractions. They're faint, few, and far between. But they're there... I think. Maybe it's my imagination because I'm just that excited. The really good news: she's head-down!!! She's been liking the transverse position lately, so I was a little concerned. If she's transverse when I go into labor, it's pretty much an automatic cesarean. Not how I want to have my first baby. So I was happy that she's cooperating with Momma. Good news all around. I'm really excited. And thanks to Tylenol PM, I finally slept last night and feel great. Today would be an awesome day to have a baby. Probably won't happen... but you never know. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! The last few weeks feel like they go on FOREVER!! I'm excited for you!
