Let me start with my last week at EFY. We'll chat about my fabulous vacation in a different post.
This last week, by far, was the hardest. My girls, again, were great. My boys, well, I had a little more difficulty connecting with them. I'm amazed that no matter how stupid they were acting at the time, or how rude they were, or how much I felt like screaming at them (which I only had to do in extreme cases and hated it even then), I still loved them so much. I wish I could show them their potential. But I could only tell them what I saw. Each boy on their own was great. Together. . . that's a different story. But they did throw around a football with me occasionally, which I enjoyed greatly. And, they, as a team, came up with a pretty bomb cheer. It was frustrating, annoying, and irksome at times, but exhilerating and full of life lessons.
At the beginning of the week I felt so distant from the Spirit. I think it showed too, unintentionally. I didn't feel burned out. I don't know what was going on. But by Monday night I knew I needed to change something. I tried so hard and by Tuesday I felt like I was back in the swing of it. Even if my youth didn't all the time, I felt the Spirit the rest of the week, which was refreshing compared to Monday. Friday was a disaster. Scotty (my fabulous co) and I had to drag the Spirit into devotional that night. There was hesitation, because, as we all know, if you don't want the Spirit there, it doesn't want to be there either. Despite the mess, I had a few quiet moments on hall/bathroom/stair duty, sitting next to the garbage can where I felt more peace than I have for what seems like eternity. Honestly, next to the bathroom and a garbage can? The Lord works in mysterious ways, but I'll take it. (One last little shout-out: Scotty was such a God-send. It was a little rough at first, but I feel like we really got to know one another and, boy, that kid is hilarious!)
I even had a bit of an epiphany this EFY week. I thought to myself, "I really want to do EFY again next year." Then the thought came, "If I'm at EFY again, that means I'll be single, for another year." Panic set in ever so slightly. Well, perhaps more than slightly. Remember now that I am very much content with my current situation, but am not looking to be single forever. I had another moment where I felt like perhaps I was too complacent in my dating life. My, practically non-existent, dating life. And here was the epiphany: If I don't plan on being single forever, I darn well better do something about it. Logical, yes? So, seeing as stupidity runs somewhere along the lines of coming to the same conclusion without acting upon it, I decided to act, and not be an idiot. I decided to muster up all the nerve I had and ask a guy out. Not just any guy. I won't go into that. But I do find him fairly attractive in many respects. And after an exchange, he turns it around to ask me out. Perhaps he's old-fashioned. I don't know. I'm sure he has his reasons, but nonetheless, we had a date. And it was some of the most fun I've had in a very long time. Not to mention my first date in months. (Recall my almost non-existent dating life.) So that was me taking action. Will it happen again? I cannot say.
No matter what happens, I'm ready for another week at EFY. I can't believe three have come and gone already. This week I change teams for good and this particular week I work the ASL session. I am so excited and am really looking forward to working with some people I've met this summer.
. . . I'm probably going to get some sleep now and work on my vacation post tomorrow. (Pictures coming soon too. . . we've been having technical difficulties.)
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