SUNDAY (11 July):
Finished packing
Watched the end of the World Cup Final (GO SPAIN!)
Drove to St. George
Visited John (in St. G for his birthday from WA)
Had dinner (sort of) with Nick
Tried to find a bank for roommate but ended up getting a little lost and wound up at Dixie Rock. . . with Nick. Not sure how that happened actually.
Climbed the red rocks in flip flops - not as bad as you'd think
Hung head over edge of rocks because, "It looks like the ocean upside down." Fun, yet terrifying actually. And it did kind of look like the ocean. Gotta find your ways in a land locked state I suppose
Watched the sunset overlooking the St. George temple.
Finally drove to Las Vegas
Talked a bit with my mom while being maliciously attacked by her new kitten
Tried on a dress I got for Christmas for my roommates
Visited with Mike
Went to sleep
Wake up, Lauren attacked by Mom's newest demon cat
Drive to the Strip
Got a little lost behind the MGM, but got directions from a nice man on a cart
Were disappointed to find the tigers were not on display yet. . .
Ran into Spongebob, who groped Ashley
Went to M&M World!

Drove to the Hoover Dam and had a dam-good time (and a little sunburned)
Made wishes (I shared with Lauren) and threw coins into the dam
Stopped in Primm to find Bonnie & Clyde death car - fail.
Stopped in Baker City on the way to Rancho Cucamonga/Alta Loma (Nexie, the GPS, still hasn't figured out exactly which city my aunt and uncle live in)
Finally went into Alien Fresh Jerkey (mmm. . . good stuff)
Took pictures with Big Boy
Saw the World's Largest Thermometer at 105 degrees!!! It was hot.
Chilled in LA - dinner at Tito's Tacos (Ashley squealed like a little school girl)
Jim Henderson Studios with Kermit on the roof
Got . . . not lost . . . hmm . . . adventurous in the Hollywood Hills and found Hollywood sign. Nexie got us pretty close.
Stayed overnight with Uncle Richard and Aunt Cynthia
"That's a nice Lexus" (Lauren)
"I think we should mess it up" (Kayla)
"I prefer to keep the car in working condition" (Ashley)
"Not with the car!" (Kayla)
"With what?" (Lauren)
"My body" (Kayla)
"Will you do my hair tomorrow?" (Lauren)
"Yeah. Do you want me to do double pigtails?" (Kayla)
"So. . . you mean you're going to give me four pigtails?" (Lauren)
"Not pigtails. I meant double French braids." (Kayla)
Up at the crack of dawn to go to DISNEYLAND!!!
Dog ate my shoe
Had to go to Target to get new sandals (for the beach, etc.)
DISNEYLAND (for 15 hours)
Drove back to Richard and Cynthia's exhausted at about half past midnight
"If you push on the doors, something magical will happen. You will find yourself. . . outside!"
"This way to happiness."
The beginning of our drive up the coast - Highway 1 - Pacific Coast Highway
First stop: Zuma Beach
Almost didn't get in because the road was flooded, but we drove through anyway.
Big truck hit us trying to pass as two lanes merged into one. Only cracked the framing and took off some paint of the driver's side mirror. His back left side got a little more beat up than that. Ha. I mean, sad, but that's kind of what you get when you're being a jerk driver. He sped off for a while and finally pulled over to get insurance info once he noticed damage to his car.
Stop in Solvang. Solvang: A Baltic-looking little town with little Baltic shops and a windmill.
Ostrich land. Fed demon ostriches. Saw demon Emus. And baby ostriches, which were not quite demonic yet. In fact, they were quite cute.
Bubblegum Alley. Gross.
Found a motel in San Simeon. Had to change to a new room because of a lovely little surprise left in the bathroom for us. One of the most rancid things I've smelled in a while.
Dinner in Cambria. Had to settle for a little pizza place because everything else closed down at 9. We were a bit tired and bitter, but happy to finally eat again.
"Next time we do something romantic, we should bring men." (Ashley? Maybe Lauren)
"The problem with us is that we don't realize we're in the midst of a romantic activity until, well, we're in the midst of a romantic activity." (Kayla)
Hearst Castle tour. Lauren tripped on and ripped the "special tour carpet" but it was fixable thanks to duct tape and my foot. No one knew. . .
Stopped to see the elephant seals. Learned a lot about them from the preserve guy. Asked him to take a picture of us. He missed our faces. I guess digital is a little difficult once you reach a certain age. Or he's just a perv.
Stopped in Ragged Rock. Beautiful!
Stopped on Carmel beach to collect "sand" for Scotty's boss who is overly obsessed with Carmel.
Monterey beach.
Dennis the Menace park/statue
Fisherman's Wharf
Sea Lions (lots of pups) and finally finding out what that smell was. You don't want to know. Informed lots of other tourist about the sea lions - recently acquired information mind you.
San Francisco.
Stayed with Ashley and Lauren's friend and his roommates. Very nice of them.
Lombard Street - so much fun!
Fisherman's Wharf
More sea lions (which we loved!)
Vintage game arcade that gave me the serious creeps.
Ghiradelli Square (ice cream and chocolate! Yum!)
Golden Gate Bridge - over, under, around, and. . . not through.
Out of the Closet thrift shop = best thrift shop ever.
Burma Superstar - best dinner ever. Try the Rainbow Salad. It has a kick, and it's fantastic. Oh, and the curried lamb with coconut rice. And the mango chicken. It was all delicious.
Probably spent more money on food than anything else this week. Worth it? Yes.
"Sometimes I think I smell seaweed. . . not seaweed, seal pee." (Lauren)
Started home
Stopped in Lafayette to see the Iraq War Memorial. Simple, but powerful.
Jelly Belly Factory - 6 lbs of Belly Flops. Mmm.
Finally found the Bonnie and Clyde death car in Reno. Good thing we were going that way, but it wasn't where they told us (or where other signs said) it would be. Lucky us!
Didn't see the Salt Lake, but you sure could smell it.
Made it home about 2am.
"Wait, what is this? Where are we?"
"The Jelly Belly Factory."
"Holy Hell!"
Other quotes from this trip that I can't remember when they occurred:
"Oh! There's another black man. Only. . . smaller, and taller. So basically they are the same."
(Ashley while driving) "Will you scratch my back?"
"Really?" (Lauren in the back seat)
"It's what my sauce says. . ." (Ashley)
"I don't like the way he holds his face."
"You have a bladder the size of an acorn!"
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