Today I thought to myself, "Hmm. . . Taco Bell sounds really good." Then I get home, after a 90 minute visit to Instacare and the pharmacy, sit down with my delicious Taco Bell and decide: Taco Bell. Not so good. So here's the story behind the not-so-good food. It isn't Taco Bell. It's me. Last weekend I ended up getting pretty sick. I had a fever of 101, which isn't that bad, but still less than good. Chills weren't that fun either. Well, fortunately the fever broke by Sunday night so I could actually work this week. That was a blessing. What was less than fun was having to eat in the Morris Center. Well, this week I didn't really have to. In fact, I couldn't. I couldn't eat much all week. Blessing: lost another 5lbs. 15 down this summer!
Here's the great part about this week. Okay, so there are more than one great things. First of all, Brittany, my BC. She was so loving and understanding this whole week. While I tried not to take advantage of her kindness, I so appreciated her willingness to help me out in any way she could. She's what every BC needs to be.
Second, McKay and Nick, my co-counselors. Nick got sick at the end of the week - not from me by the way. McKay and Nick were fantastic. Always willing to pick up my girls for breakfast, and teach without me there. Not to mention, they were hilarious. They absolutely cheered my heart.
Lastly, my kids were just the best. My girls were so understanding and adapted to just about every situation. The boys were fantastic too. They all still had such a great EFY experience even though it probably wasn't ideal.
I should have known when I ended up with two guy cos that I would get sick. It definitely made me humble and forced me to rely on the Savior and other people. I'm not so good at the relying on others thing.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Can You Feel the Love Tonight
I was concerned that after my last week at EFY, I wouldn't really be able to handle another week unless I had the best cos on the entire face of the planet and had great kids. I was not disappointed this week. Andrew was hilarious and Nicole was just the sweetest thing. While we got off to a bit of a rough start, all ended very well.
Again, I got to work with 14 year olds, which was such a blessing. None of my 8 girls came together. I had personalities that almost ran the entire spectrum. And they loved one another. I don't know how I got so lucky. The rest of the boys and girls were pretty much the same. Day one, one of my boys started acting up a bit and wanted little to do with what was happening. A day or so later we ended up figuring out what was going on and he ended up staying with us. I am so grateful. I love this kid like a little brother. There were a couple other girls who really wanted to go home. One did, but my girl who was so severely homesick she was crying herself to sleep at night ended up holding out through the week and making some friends. I was grateful for my girls who took her under their wings. She clung to me like I've never had anyone do before. I didn't know what to do about it. Things worked out well in the end and she really wants to come back again next year. When her father came to pick her up, he wanted my phone number so his wife could call me later about their daughter. It was odd for sure, but what the heck, I gave it to them. We'll see if they ever call.
My old institute teacher from Salem was our session director, and it was the ASL session, which means I got to use a lot of my ASL. I'm surprised at how comfortable I was approaching the deaf youth. I loved them though. It was a blast!
I think this may have been one of the best weeks ever. Not just because of the kids or my cos, but because it was the first week I felt completely guided by the Spirit. One of my girls ended up wanting to go to seminary. One of my girls gained a better understanding about dating and the appearance of dating. One of my girls became more independent. Over all, everyone seemed to have grown this week. Including me. There's not much more I can say about this week.
Friday, no one wanted to go home the next morning. I consider it a success. My favorite part of this week was that on Thursday, no one bore their testimony about their counselors. That was the greatest compliment of all. Their testimonies were based on the Spirit and true doctrine.
Again, I got to work with 14 year olds, which was such a blessing. None of my 8 girls came together. I had personalities that almost ran the entire spectrum. And they loved one another. I don't know how I got so lucky. The rest of the boys and girls were pretty much the same. Day one, one of my boys started acting up a bit and wanted little to do with what was happening. A day or so later we ended up figuring out what was going on and he ended up staying with us. I am so grateful. I love this kid like a little brother. There were a couple other girls who really wanted to go home. One did, but my girl who was so severely homesick she was crying herself to sleep at night ended up holding out through the week and making some friends. I was grateful for my girls who took her under their wings. She clung to me like I've never had anyone do before. I didn't know what to do about it. Things worked out well in the end and she really wants to come back again next year. When her father came to pick her up, he wanted my phone number so his wife could call me later about their daughter. It was odd for sure, but what the heck, I gave it to them. We'll see if they ever call.
My old institute teacher from Salem was our session director, and it was the ASL session, which means I got to use a lot of my ASL. I'm surprised at how comfortable I was approaching the deaf youth. I loved them though. It was a blast!
I think this may have been one of the best weeks ever. Not just because of the kids or my cos, but because it was the first week I felt completely guided by the Spirit. One of my girls ended up wanting to go to seminary. One of my girls gained a better understanding about dating and the appearance of dating. One of my girls became more independent. Over all, everyone seemed to have grown this week. Including me. There's not much more I can say about this week.
Friday, no one wanted to go home the next morning. I consider it a success. My favorite part of this week was that on Thursday, no one bore their testimony about their counselors. That was the greatest compliment of all. Their testimonies were based on the Spirit and true doctrine.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
There's One Who Knows You Perfectly
Let me start this out by saying today has been one of those half and half days. One of those days where I totally feel left out with my co-counselors, like my kids really didn't want anything to do with me (except for the one who almost refuses to leave my side, but not because she likes me necessarily), like I don't have much to offer, like I don't know what's going on, like I really want to call my dad (he was in Vegas this weekend but I didn't get to see him and I miss him so much) but I can't because he lives in Kansas and he's for sure in bed by the time I get the chance to call him at night, and one of those days where you tell yourself, "Okay, I know I'm not that attractive, but I'm still a good enough person on the inside." Yet, it was also one of those days full of tender mercies where I was able to feel like I connected with one of my youth, got to talk to and get to know a bunch of the deaf youth, helped others feel the Spirit, helped others find their way (physically and spiritually), helped one of my girls feel the desire to go to seminary next year, and felt as though I shared powerful testimony. It's these half and half days where, though I feel a little useless here and there, those very short moments of peace more than make up for the pain and sorrow. Though I know these things, the moments where I felt I did some good, were 1% me just being there and 99% the Lord.
I also found out today that a few of my kids struggle with some of the same things I do/have. Not sin-type things. Just situational things that they're struggling with. I am grateful for the moments where I feel like I am here for a reason. Where I know I'm supposed to be here. Those tiny moments of personal revelation. How grateful I am and I truly wish I had the words to express my feelings - but I don't. There aren't enough. They're not adequate. Only the Spirit can truly communicate for me how I feel.
One last experience: I had the opportunity to sing again this week. I got to sing "Let It Begin" from our CD this year. It's a beautiful song about repentance. I love it so much because I feel like that's where my testimony is - where it hits home the most. Not even with big sins, or sins at all. Mainly about turning to the Savior in all things. Part of the song says, 'There's one who knows you perfectly. He can take the hurt away. The healing starts within. Just let Him in and let it begin." It doesn't even matter the kind of hurt we're feeling. He can take it away because he knows how. Only he knows how because he is perfect and knows me perfectly through the Atonement. This is me feeling the song of redeeming love. Yes, I can feel it. And how grateful I am.
I also found out today that a few of my kids struggle with some of the same things I do/have. Not sin-type things. Just situational things that they're struggling with. I am grateful for the moments where I feel like I am here for a reason. Where I know I'm supposed to be here. Those tiny moments of personal revelation. How grateful I am and I truly wish I had the words to express my feelings - but I don't. There aren't enough. They're not adequate. Only the Spirit can truly communicate for me how I feel.
One last experience: I had the opportunity to sing again this week. I got to sing "Let It Begin" from our CD this year. It's a beautiful song about repentance. I love it so much because I feel like that's where my testimony is - where it hits home the most. Not even with big sins, or sins at all. Mainly about turning to the Savior in all things. Part of the song says, 'There's one who knows you perfectly. He can take the hurt away. The healing starts within. Just let Him in and let it begin." It doesn't even matter the kind of hurt we're feeling. He can take it away because he knows how. Only he knows how because he is perfect and knows me perfectly through the Atonement. This is me feeling the song of redeeming love. Yes, I can feel it. And how grateful I am.
Monday, July 19, 2010
A Beautiful Somewhere, A Place that I Can Share with You
Okay, so here are the beginnings of our little road trip this past week. More will be edited in the near future (once I have time to sit and think about it a little more). This is by no means a complete list, as you can see. . .
SUNDAY (11 July):

Finished packing
Watched the end of the World Cup Final (GO SPAIN!)
Drove to St. George
Visited John (in St. G for his birthday from WA)
Had dinner (sort of) with Nick
Tried to find a bank for roommate but ended up getting a little lost and wound up at Dixie Rock. . . with Nick. Not sure how that happened actually.
Climbed the red rocks in flip flops - not as bad as you'd think
Hung head over edge of rocks because, "It looks like the ocean upside down." Fun, yet terrifying actually. And it did kind of look like the ocean. Gotta find your ways in a land locked state I suppose
Watched the sunset overlooking the St. George temple.
Finally drove to Las Vegas
Talked a bit with my mom while being maliciously attacked by her new kitten
Tried on a dress I got for Christmas for my roommates
Visited with Mike
Went to sleep

Wake up, Lauren attacked by Mom's newest demon cat
Drive to the Strip
Got a little lost behind the MGM, but got directions from a nice man on a cart
Were disappointed to find the tigers were not on display yet. . .
Ran into Spongebob, who groped Ashley
Went to M&M World!
(Lauren's skirt kept blowing up, so I helped her out a bit)
Drove to the Hoover Dam and had a dam-good time (and a little sunburned)
Made wishes (I shared with Lauren) and threw coins into the dam
Stopped in Primm to find Bonnie & Clyde death car - fail.
Stopped in Baker City on the way to Rancho Cucamonga/Alta Loma (Nexie, the GPS, still hasn't figured out exactly which city my aunt and uncle live in)
Finally went into Alien Fresh Jerkey (mmm. . . good stuff)
Took pictures with Big Boy
Saw the World's Largest Thermometer at 105 degrees!!! It was hot.
Chilled in LA - dinner at Tito's Tacos (Ashley squealed like a little school girl)
Jim Henderson Studios with Kermit on the roof

Got . . . not lost . . . hmm . . . adventurous in the Hollywood Hills and found Hollywood sign. Nexie got us pretty close.
Stayed overnight with Uncle Richard and Aunt Cynthia
"That's a nice Lexus" (Lauren)
"I think we should mess it up" (Kayla)
"I prefer to keep the car in working condition" (Ashley)
"Not with the car!" (Kayla)
"With what?" (Lauren)
"My body" (Kayla)
"Will you do my hair tomorrow?" (Lauren)
"Yeah. Do you want me to do double pigtails?" (Kayla)
"So. . . you mean you're going to give me four pigtails?" (Lauren)
"Not pigtails. I meant double French braids." (Kayla)
Up at the crack of dawn to go to DISNEYLAND!!!
Dog ate my shoe
Had to go to Target to get new sandals (for the beach, etc.)
DISNEYLAND (for 15 hours)
Drove back to Richard and Cynthia's exhausted at about half past midnight
"If you push on the doors, something magical will happen. You will find yourself. . . outside!"
"This way to happiness."
The beginning of our drive up the coast - Highway 1 - Pacific Coast Highway
First stop: Zuma Beach
Almost didn't get in because the road was flooded, but we drove through anyway.
Big truck hit us trying to pass as two lanes merged into one. Only cracked the framing and took off some paint of the driver's side mirror. His back left side got a little more beat up than that. Ha. I mean, sad, but that's kind of what you get when you're being a jerk driver. He sped off for a while and finally pulled over to get insurance info once he noticed damage to his car.
Stop in Solvang. Solvang: A Baltic-looking little town with little Baltic shops and a windmill.
Ostrich land. Fed demon ostriches. Saw demon Emus. And baby ostriches, which were not quite demonic yet. In fact, they were quite cute.
Bubblegum Alley. Gross.
Found a motel in San Simeon. Had to change to a new room because of a lovely little surprise left in the bathroom for us. One of the most rancid things I've smelled in a while.
Dinner in Cambria. Had to settle for a little pizza place because everything else closed down at 9. We were a bit tired and bitter, but happy to finally eat again.
"Next time we do something romantic, we should bring men." (Ashley? Maybe Lauren)
"The problem with us is that we don't realize we're in the midst of a romantic activity until, well, we're in the midst of a romantic activity." (Kayla)
Hearst Castle tour. Lauren tripped on and ripped the "special tour carpet" but it was fixable thanks to duct tape and my foot. No one knew. . .
Stopped to see the elephant seals. Learned a lot about them from the preserve guy. Asked him to take a picture of us. He missed our faces. I guess digital is a little difficult once you reach a certain age. Or he's just a perv.
Stopped in Ragged Rock. Beautiful!
Stopped on Carmel beach to collect "sand" for Scotty's boss who is overly obsessed with Carmel.
Monterey beach.
Dennis the Menace park/statue
Fisherman's Wharf
Sea Lions (lots of pups) and finally finding out what that smell was. You don't want to know. Informed lots of other tourist about the sea lions - recently acquired information mind you.
San Francisco.
Stayed with Ashley and Lauren's friend and his roommates. Very nice of them.
Lombard Street - so much fun!
Fisherman's Wharf
More sea lions (which we loved!)
Vintage game arcade that gave me the serious creeps.
Ghiradelli Square (ice cream and chocolate! Yum!)
Golden Gate Bridge - over, under, around, and. . . not through.
Out of the Closet thrift shop = best thrift shop ever.
Burma Superstar - best dinner ever. Try the Rainbow Salad. It has a kick, and it's fantastic. Oh, and the curried lamb with coconut rice. And the mango chicken. It was all delicious.
Probably spent more money on food than anything else this week. Worth it? Yes.
"Sometimes I think I smell seaweed. . . not seaweed, seal pee." (Lauren)
Started home
Stopped in Lafayette to see the Iraq War Memorial. Simple, but powerful.
Jelly Belly Factory - 6 lbs of Belly Flops. Mmm.
Finally found the Bonnie and Clyde death car in Reno. Good thing we were going that way, but it wasn't where they told us (or where other signs said) it would be. Lucky us!
Didn't see the Salt Lake, but you sure could smell it.
Made it home about 2am.
"Wait, what is this? Where are we?"
"The Jelly Belly Factory."
"Holy Hell!"
Other quotes from this trip that I can't remember when they occurred:
"Oh! There's another black man. Only. . . smaller, and taller. So basically they are the same."
(Ashley while driving) "Will you scratch my back?"
"Really?" (Lauren in the back seat)
"It's what my sauce says. . ." (Ashley)
"I don't like the way he holds his face."
"You have a bladder the size of an acorn!"
SUNDAY (11 July):
Finished packing
Watched the end of the World Cup Final (GO SPAIN!)
Drove to St. George
Visited John (in St. G for his birthday from WA)
Had dinner (sort of) with Nick
Tried to find a bank for roommate but ended up getting a little lost and wound up at Dixie Rock. . . with Nick. Not sure how that happened actually.
Climbed the red rocks in flip flops - not as bad as you'd think
Hung head over edge of rocks because, "It looks like the ocean upside down." Fun, yet terrifying actually. And it did kind of look like the ocean. Gotta find your ways in a land locked state I suppose
Watched the sunset overlooking the St. George temple.
Finally drove to Las Vegas
Talked a bit with my mom while being maliciously attacked by her new kitten
Tried on a dress I got for Christmas for my roommates
Visited with Mike
Went to sleep
Wake up, Lauren attacked by Mom's newest demon cat
Drive to the Strip
Got a little lost behind the MGM, but got directions from a nice man on a cart
Were disappointed to find the tigers were not on display yet. . .
Ran into Spongebob, who groped Ashley
Went to M&M World!

Drove to the Hoover Dam and had a dam-good time (and a little sunburned)
Made wishes (I shared with Lauren) and threw coins into the dam
Stopped in Primm to find Bonnie & Clyde death car - fail.
Stopped in Baker City on the way to Rancho Cucamonga/Alta Loma (Nexie, the GPS, still hasn't figured out exactly which city my aunt and uncle live in)
Finally went into Alien Fresh Jerkey (mmm. . . good stuff)
Took pictures with Big Boy
Saw the World's Largest Thermometer at 105 degrees!!! It was hot.
Chilled in LA - dinner at Tito's Tacos (Ashley squealed like a little school girl)
Jim Henderson Studios with Kermit on the roof
Got . . . not lost . . . hmm . . . adventurous in the Hollywood Hills and found Hollywood sign. Nexie got us pretty close.
Stayed overnight with Uncle Richard and Aunt Cynthia
"That's a nice Lexus" (Lauren)
"I think we should mess it up" (Kayla)
"I prefer to keep the car in working condition" (Ashley)
"Not with the car!" (Kayla)
"With what?" (Lauren)
"My body" (Kayla)
"Will you do my hair tomorrow?" (Lauren)
"Yeah. Do you want me to do double pigtails?" (Kayla)
"So. . . you mean you're going to give me four pigtails?" (Lauren)
"Not pigtails. I meant double French braids." (Kayla)
Up at the crack of dawn to go to DISNEYLAND!!!
Dog ate my shoe
Had to go to Target to get new sandals (for the beach, etc.)
DISNEYLAND (for 15 hours)
Drove back to Richard and Cynthia's exhausted at about half past midnight
"If you push on the doors, something magical will happen. You will find yourself. . . outside!"
"This way to happiness."
The beginning of our drive up the coast - Highway 1 - Pacific Coast Highway
First stop: Zuma Beach
Almost didn't get in because the road was flooded, but we drove through anyway.
Big truck hit us trying to pass as two lanes merged into one. Only cracked the framing and took off some paint of the driver's side mirror. His back left side got a little more beat up than that. Ha. I mean, sad, but that's kind of what you get when you're being a jerk driver. He sped off for a while and finally pulled over to get insurance info once he noticed damage to his car.
Stop in Solvang. Solvang: A Baltic-looking little town with little Baltic shops and a windmill.
Ostrich land. Fed demon ostriches. Saw demon Emus. And baby ostriches, which were not quite demonic yet. In fact, they were quite cute.
Bubblegum Alley. Gross.
Found a motel in San Simeon. Had to change to a new room because of a lovely little surprise left in the bathroom for us. One of the most rancid things I've smelled in a while.
Dinner in Cambria. Had to settle for a little pizza place because everything else closed down at 9. We were a bit tired and bitter, but happy to finally eat again.
"Next time we do something romantic, we should bring men." (Ashley? Maybe Lauren)
"The problem with us is that we don't realize we're in the midst of a romantic activity until, well, we're in the midst of a romantic activity." (Kayla)
Hearst Castle tour. Lauren tripped on and ripped the "special tour carpet" but it was fixable thanks to duct tape and my foot. No one knew. . .
Stopped to see the elephant seals. Learned a lot about them from the preserve guy. Asked him to take a picture of us. He missed our faces. I guess digital is a little difficult once you reach a certain age. Or he's just a perv.
Stopped in Ragged Rock. Beautiful!
Stopped on Carmel beach to collect "sand" for Scotty's boss who is overly obsessed with Carmel.
Monterey beach.
Dennis the Menace park/statue
Fisherman's Wharf
Sea Lions (lots of pups) and finally finding out what that smell was. You don't want to know. Informed lots of other tourist about the sea lions - recently acquired information mind you.
San Francisco.
Stayed with Ashley and Lauren's friend and his roommates. Very nice of them.
Lombard Street - so much fun!
Fisherman's Wharf
More sea lions (which we loved!)
Vintage game arcade that gave me the serious creeps.
Ghiradelli Square (ice cream and chocolate! Yum!)
Golden Gate Bridge - over, under, around, and. . . not through.
Out of the Closet thrift shop = best thrift shop ever.
Burma Superstar - best dinner ever. Try the Rainbow Salad. It has a kick, and it's fantastic. Oh, and the curried lamb with coconut rice. And the mango chicken. It was all delicious.
Probably spent more money on food than anything else this week. Worth it? Yes.
"Sometimes I think I smell seaweed. . . not seaweed, seal pee." (Lauren)
Started home
Stopped in Lafayette to see the Iraq War Memorial. Simple, but powerful.
Jelly Belly Factory - 6 lbs of Belly Flops. Mmm.
Finally found the Bonnie and Clyde death car in Reno. Good thing we were going that way, but it wasn't where they told us (or where other signs said) it would be. Lucky us!
Didn't see the Salt Lake, but you sure could smell it.
Made it home about 2am.
"Wait, what is this? Where are we?"
"The Jelly Belly Factory."
"Holy Hell!"
Other quotes from this trip that I can't remember when they occurred:
"Oh! There's another black man. Only. . . smaller, and taller. So basically they are the same."
(Ashley while driving) "Will you scratch my back?"
"Really?" (Lauren in the back seat)
"It's what my sauce says. . ." (Ashley)
"I don't like the way he holds his face."
"You have a bladder the size of an acorn!"
Sunday, July 18, 2010
I Made It This Far Now and I'm Not Burning Out
Let me start with my last week at EFY. We'll chat about my fabulous vacation in a different post.
This last week, by far, was the hardest. My girls, again, were great. My boys, well, I had a little more difficulty connecting with them. I'm amazed that no matter how stupid they were acting at the time, or how rude they were, or how much I felt like screaming at them (which I only had to do in extreme cases and hated it even then), I still loved them so much. I wish I could show them their potential. But I could only tell them what I saw. Each boy on their own was great. Together. . . that's a different story. But they did throw around a football with me occasionally, which I enjoyed greatly. And, they, as a team, came up with a pretty bomb cheer. It was frustrating, annoying, and irksome at times, but exhilerating and full of life lessons.
At the beginning of the week I felt so distant from the Spirit. I think it showed too, unintentionally. I didn't feel burned out. I don't know what was going on. But by Monday night I knew I needed to change something. I tried so hard and by Tuesday I felt like I was back in the swing of it. Even if my youth didn't all the time, I felt the Spirit the rest of the week, which was refreshing compared to Monday. Friday was a disaster. Scotty (my fabulous co) and I had to drag the Spirit into devotional that night. There was hesitation, because, as we all know, if you don't want the Spirit there, it doesn't want to be there either. Despite the mess, I had a few quiet moments on hall/bathroom/stair duty, sitting next to the garbage can where I felt more peace than I have for what seems like eternity. Honestly, next to the bathroom and a garbage can? The Lord works in mysterious ways, but I'll take it. (One last little shout-out: Scotty was such a God-send. It was a little rough at first, but I feel like we really got to know one another and, boy, that kid is hilarious!)
I even had a bit of an epiphany this EFY week. I thought to myself, "I really want to do EFY again next year." Then the thought came, "If I'm at EFY again, that means I'll be single, for another year." Panic set in ever so slightly. Well, perhaps more than slightly. Remember now that I am very much content with my current situation, but am not looking to be single forever. I had another moment where I felt like perhaps I was too complacent in my dating life. My, practically non-existent, dating life. And here was the epiphany: If I don't plan on being single forever, I darn well better do something about it. Logical, yes? So, seeing as stupidity runs somewhere along the lines of coming to the same conclusion without acting upon it, I decided to act, and not be an idiot. I decided to muster up all the nerve I had and ask a guy out. Not just any guy. I won't go into that. But I do find him fairly attractive in many respects. And after an exchange, he turns it around to ask me out. Perhaps he's old-fashioned. I don't know. I'm sure he has his reasons, but nonetheless, we had a date. And it was some of the most fun I've had in a very long time. Not to mention my first date in months. (Recall my almost non-existent dating life.) So that was me taking action. Will it happen again? I cannot say.
No matter what happens, I'm ready for another week at EFY. I can't believe three have come and gone already. This week I change teams for good and this particular week I work the ASL session. I am so excited and am really looking forward to working with some people I've met this summer.
. . . I'm probably going to get some sleep now and work on my vacation post tomorrow. (Pictures coming soon too. . . we've been having technical difficulties.)
Friday, July 2, 2010
Singin' the Same Lines All Over Again
Perhaps not identical, but almost the same lines.
I cannot truly express how much I love EFY. I'll
admit, the beginning of the week was a struggle and I put on a good face to hide my fear of 16-18 year olds. I was terrified of them. How they would see me. If I would be able to teach them. If I could connect. That fear, like most fears, became a huge burden. I tried so hard and felt like I was doing my best, but also tried to avoid diving in because I wasn't sure what the water below held in store for me. Lousy excuse, I know. While I don't feel I connected to my girls as well this week right off the bat, it week ended so strong and I feel like I was able to develop a relationship and connection with most of them.
Miraculously (literally a miracle) I memorized all my company's names within day 1. Granted there were only 18 of us, which is much easier than the 28 from last week, I still did it. I'm not the best with names and faces. Especially when you have a Meg, Megan and Madi in the mix. Yeah. It wasn't as hard as I thought. But I'm absolutely certain I had nothing to do with it outside of making the effort. One of those "all the Lord" moments. I'm so glad I got their names so quickly. It made the rest of the week, and getting to know the boys much easier.
I feel like last week was such a piece of cake compared to this week. The youth were no more or less participatory or enthusiastic with the program. This week there were a few in my company that were struggling with serious issues back home. Not sin-type things. Just problems. That happens when you're that age. And I think it has a lot to do with how involved you are in your family as a key player. There's a difference between 15 and 16. At 15, you still rely heavily on your parents and family. At 16, you begin to gain independence and added responsibility because you can (supposedly) drive and date. There's a different sense on the actuality of life and family versus what your family is trying to portray. It makes 16-18 a lot more difficult. Even more so if you're the oldest child. But there were some great experiences with these kids.
Again, I'm amazed at the strength these youth have. They are faced with so many challenges, and yet they choose righteousness. They choose the Savior. I know I'm not that much older than them. Their challenges are different that most of what my generation (I'm not even that's the right term to use) faced. My challenges were very different that what most of my generation faced. I'm even more grateful for those challenges because I think I may be able to relate to these youth better that I would have without those trials.
The Lord always seems to know where we need to be and how to fill our needs.
What am I saying. "Seems to know"? . . . no. He knows. I am grateful for the testimony-building and life-changing experience that is EFY. It has helped me become better and desire to do more for others than I could on my own. I plan to continue doing the things that have helped me feel the Spirit in greater abundance. I feel like I've needed to stretch myself and make more time for the most important things. I will make that time when real life starts up again. That is my commitment to myself.
I cannot truly express how much I love EFY. I'll
Miraculously (literally a miracle) I memorized all my company's names within day 1. Granted there were only 18 of us, which is much easier than the 28 from last week, I still did it. I'm not the best with names and faces. Especially when you have a Meg, Megan and Madi in the mix. Yeah. It wasn't as hard as I thought. But I'm absolutely certain I had nothing to do with it outside of making the effort. One of those "all the Lord" moments. I'm so glad I got their names so quickly. It made the rest of the week, and getting to know the boys much easier.
Again, I'm amazed at the strength these youth have. They are faced with so many challenges, and yet they choose righteousness. They choose the Savior. I know I'm not that much older than them. Their challenges are different that most of what my generation (I'm not even that's the right term to use) faced. My challenges were very different that what most of my generation faced. I'm even more grateful for those challenges because I think I may be able to relate to these youth better that I would have without those trials.
The Lord always seems to know where we need to be and how to fill our needs.
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