Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It's Not As Easy As Willing It All To Be Right

I've made a discovery. Here it is: Life is hard. I can already hear you saying, "Yes Kayla, very good. Life is hard. Idiot!" Or something along those lines. Okay, yes. I've known for a while that life is hard. Sometimes we're oblivious to its difficulty. Many time's we're very aware. Yes, life is hard. But it doesn't have to be miserable, and we don't have to make it harder for ourselves. I must say, though, that I am very grateful for the little events and the people in my life that make life's hardships a little less obvious. Amidst the midterms, homework, concerts, work, studying, cleaning, cooking, laundry, and trying so hard to maintain my already limited health, there is always someone or something nearby to shine a little glimmer of hope in to the bleak darkness. So thank you to whomever needs to be, or should be thanked.

Also, I have some wonderful news. My regular readers, namely, my sisters, already know. But for those of you who care about me well enough to read my useless rantings on a semi-regular basis, you will know shortly. At least I hope shortly. How's that for a teaser?... Nevertheless, there will be news at some future date. It will be good news. And we will all rejoice together.


  1. I care about what you say and am looking forward to hearing about your news. :)
