Lo and behold, once again, I have corneal ulcers. So this is how my semester has gone: Pneumonia, Corneal ulcers, Cold, Corneal ulcers. Not the best bill of health this year. But I guess it's better than being a single, knocked-up teenager. Right? I'll take my lot. Fortunately this go around we caught them a LOT faster, so hopefully they'll heal faster. And my doc says he's never seen someone get ulcers one after another like this. I'm an anomaly! "You just have to be unique, don't you?" was his reaction. So here I am again, sitting with one eye dilated, taking tons of drugs.
I count my blessings though. We caught it quickly. I have a loving, kind, generous boyfriend who seems to want to stick around even though I'm falling apart. I have fallen in love again when I didn't really think it was entirely possible. I have a family who loves me. My classes are going relatively well. I aced my anatomy quiz and genealogy midterm. Winter is coming. My roommates care about me, even though my health and other issues are probably really annoying by now. Emily is getting MARRIED and invited me to the sealing. I have the BEST friends. And life is just plain good. Most importantly, I have the Gospel. I can't ask for much more.
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