You wanna know how it happened?
How about some background information so you actually understand all the significance behind everything.

Well, first of all, Cory wasn't supposed to talk to my dad until we went down for our family Christmas dinner. So this really was a huge shock. Second, ever since we started talking about getting married, Cory has been joking about Cracker Jack rings. You remember Cracker Jacks, don't you? That wonderful popcorn treat we all grew up with that always had a fun prize inside. Well, I would tell him it didn't matter if I even had a ring, but he insisted I needed one so everyone knew we were engaged, even if it were from a Cracker Jack box. I told him that even all he could afford were a Cracker Jack ring, I would still say yes. Then we went ring shopping one day and I fell in love with this ring. He would then go on and on about how he might not be able to afford the ring I loved. Which set me up to believe I wouldn't end up with that ring, but that I would still love whatever ring he found.
So this is how it actually happened. A couple weeks ago Cory mentioned that he needed to go up to Temple Square for an organ recital sometime this semester and asked if I'd like to join him. Of course any opportunity to go anywhere with him I would make the time. Then we decided the Wednesday before Thanksgiving would be a good day since we wouldn't be working and there's no school. Perfect. Then my sister calls up and asks if I'd like to watch her kids for her ultrasound appointment. This was a big one where they would be checking to see if her twins had two placentas... etc. This was the perfect opportunity for Cory to come up and meet my sister, which we've been trying to plan for months, but either she or I was always sick. We're all finally healthy and we would be up there anyway. Perfect again. (He also got me to think that we'd be ring shopping still while we were up there... sneaky.)
I went up to my sister's Tuesday night to try to avoid the storm that was coming. It was great since everything was canceled that night and I got to leave earlier. I stayed overnight and watched my sister's kids in the morning. Kelli came back and Cory came about 5 minutes later. Just as we got to his car, he's telling me how he found the best thing at the gas station next to my sister's house, but that he would show me later.We left for Temple Square and while the ice still on the road almost killed us, we made it to the recital a few minutes late. I was still thinking we'd be in Salt Lake for a while, so I asked what else we were going to do. We walked around Temple Square for a few minutes and out of no where, as we're next to the main entrance, Cory asks if I've ever been on a carriage ride at Temple Square. No, not here, I haven't been on a carriage ride at Temple Square. So he says okay, let's go. Well, it wasn't quite "let's go" but that's about the gist of it.
There we were on this beautiful carriage ride. It's freezing cold from the storm the night before. There's snow on the ground. It's gorgeous. And we're at Temple Square. Beautiful. So he pulls it out. This surprise he found at the gas station. There it was. 2 boxes of Cracker Jacks. I laugh. Of course. Because that's what I do. When sweet, romantic things happen, I laugh. Romantic, right? I gave him fair warning that I laugh. He should have foreseen this. There we are, enjoying our Cracker Jacks. I put my hand in the box and find the wonderful prize that comes in every box.
Then we get to Memorial Grove, which neither of us had been to before. The carriage driver, the super nice guy that he was, mentioned that we would have to turn around soon and he would need us to step out for a minute to make it easier on the horse. I thought this was kind of strange, but, okay, I'll go with it. We hop out for just a second and walk over to this cute little bridge over a little river. So we start talking a little bit and he asks if I liked my ring and proposal. I thought it was cute. Then he asks if he should try again to do it properly.
Shortly thereafter I'm making all sorts of phone calls and sending texts left and right. But not before a little side trip over a dirt road trying to get back to my sister's. Best adventure ever! Especially since it was next to a swamp, a dump, and a wildlife preserve. Perfect! I couldn't have asked for a more perfect
This is what I found out shortly thereafter:
Lauren, my roommate, gave him my dad's phone number one day when I accidentally left my phone in the apartment. Nice initiative, Lauren!
He called my dad a week ago (or thereabouts) when he wasn't supposed to until Dec 18th.
He ordered an entire case of Cracker Jacks since you can't find them anywhere anymore.
He somehow opened the bottom of the box and got the rings in there.
He called to set up the carriage ride ahead of time. Apparently they don't normally have them except in the evenings.
He bought the ring the day after we went ring shopping weeks ago!
My mom knew about it before I did.
Just perfect.
And he was brilliant enough to bring his camera. What a smart boy.