That line comes from a song a friend of mine (I went to high school with him IN Oregon) wrote all about the beautiful state of Oregon. I love Oregon. Oregon is the reason I love rain. Oregon is where I built most of my friendships. Oregon is definitely where my heart is.
About 5 weeks ago I was feeling like Death and really wanted to be around my family. So I call up my sister in Oregon asking if I can come visit her. I was planning on driving out the next day and staying a week, but decided better of it. I was sick. I didn't know what I had at that point. I didn't want her poor kids to get the yuck. In my genius, I hopped online to look at airline fares. Not so good, but still probably do-able. A few days later a checked again. The airline I take from Vegas to Oregon had fares $19.99 each way for Labor Day weekend. YES! That is definitely do-able. So with taxes and fees it ended up being about $75 round-trip. Pretty sweet, I know. I jumped on that one right away and a friend of mine from Salem did the same. To save on gas we drove down together, which was nice having someone to talk to on a drive I normally make myself.
I got to spend an entire weekend with my sister, her two, beautiful children, her husband, and her in-laws. It was fantastic. We played, we shopped, we ate (more that I usually eat in one week. It was very difficult to shove all that good food into my body, but I did it. . . and probably gained a few pounds too), we laughed, I breathed (for the majority of the time), and just had fun. I love hanging out with my sister so much.

Oregon is GREAT! You should all go there!
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