Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's A New Dawn. It's A Day. It's A New Life.

And I'm feelin' good. . . (insert dramatic instrumental intro here).

Who wouldn't feel good after all I've enjoyed the past. . . lifetime? Well, lifetime is extending it a bit much, but I have been blessed. This time, all I have to say is that it's going to be a good school year. (I just pictured the Mini Wheats commercial with the cereal counting down to yell, "Happy School Year!" in my head. You should too.)

Why? You ask.

1. I think, except for a tinsey, winsey little bit of coughing here and there, I'm FINALLY over this stupid pneumonia. Here are a few of the good things that accompanied this awful, enduring illness of mine: a. While still recovering from pneumonia didn't help my choir audition at all, telling the directors probably did. b. I was able to see how much certain people in my life really do care about me. c. I had an excuse to be lazy and sleep as much as I could for almost an entire week.

2. (Those of you who know me best know I have a tendency to write lists. Love them? Apparently I do.) I got into Women's Chorus! This is a great step in the right direction. I'm one step closer to BYU's music program and double-majoring!

3. I LOVE all of my classes and professors. Not so much one of my labs, but oh well. Can't win them all. I'm excited about school. I'm excited to learn. AND! I'm done by 4pm every day except Thursday. My classes are close together, and, so far, I've been able to get homework done. Sweet!

4. I've already made a couple new friends. One was mentioned in the last post. A few are from classes. I haven't really met anyone from the ward, but I'm sure I will.

5. Tonight I drove with my friend to Las Vegas as the first leg of my trip to OREGON!!! (We got pulled over. I was NOT driving. But didn't get ticketed. Miracles DO happen!) I get to visit my brother and sister for a few days and I can't wait! Plus I get to see Kayla, who is practically a sister to me. Hooray!

Okay, there are a million other reasons why this new school year is going to be fantastic, but I can't list them all here. Suffice it to say I am thrilled! I will maintain this elated state as long as I can keep up with homework for my 9 classes and do well on the exams. I'm trying really hard to hold on to this scholarship.

Here's to a great year! I wish everyone the best of luck, the best of love, and the best laughs.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like things are going really well! That's great! Have a wonderful semester! :)
