Life truly has its ups and downs. Especially in the life of a single college student. I can't pretend that anyone outside of this category has things figured out or easier than those of us within. Nonetheless, life is full of little surprises. This week: boys and cars.
I couldn't be happier with my boy situation right now. Slow and steady is working out perfectly. Everything seems to be new and exciting, even though I've been in this stage with many other boys. It's still new and exciting each time. The difference is that each new boy gets better and better than the last. I don't sit around wondering if there's someone better than this one. That's dangerous. Just enjoy the moment. I must admit there have been boys I've dated where I've absolutely known for certain that there were plenty of boys out there much better than the current one. Why I didn't leave the relationship right there and then is something requiring a lot more background information that we're not getting into here. I am enjoying the moments. Especially those little moments of progression or reassurance that they do, in fact, have an interest in pursuing you further. They ask those certain searching questions with genuine interest. Each time you accidentally touch there's a spark. Then there's that look they give you. Not the usual, "you're crazy" look I get from most men. No. It's the look of "you're a little crazy, but I find it endearing." And of course, there are those moments when you both have to laugh, loudly at one another and at yourself for the silly things you do and say, but it's a laugh of joy instead of embarrassment. These are the moments we hope for.
The car situation, on the other hand, is a little less pleasant. This past weekend my "Check Engine" light starting flashing its ugly little face. I wouldn't have been very concerned with it except for the engine overheating and needing to pass an emissions test to register my car for the next year. So I took it in hoping it would be a simple repair. Of course not. Fortunately I had money enough to pay for this semester's rent saved up. Unfortunately a good month and a half of rent is now in my car. Again, fortunately I have a job. The wonderful event that came from all of this is that once the repairs were finished, my car passed the emissions test with flying colors. FLYING! Why would I be so excited about how well it did? Well, last year we drove around like mad trying to find a way/person/place/thing that could rig things so my car would pass. Not an easy task. We were frantic. It's a blessing to not need to think or worry about that for another couple years. Or until my car dies completely. Hopefully it will be longer than just another couple years. So I won't be able to fly to Wichita with my Mom this Thanksgiving, but my car runs well, I'll get better gas mileage, and I'll be able to drive my car because it will be registered.
Blessings, blessings, blessings. Keep 'em comin'.
And did I mention that I finally started going back to the gym? Up until recently my lungs just haven't been up to it. I wasn't able to laugh without coughing something fierce. While they're not yet 100%, I can't wait any longer. The weight I lost is starting to creep its way back and I will not have it. Plus, I like going to the gym. And now my newest roommate is coming with me. I like her a lot. We get along quite nicely. The gym + new roommate = bliss. Happy Kayla. :)
Monday, September 27, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Your Words in My Memory Are Like Music to Me
The theme for Women's Chorus this year is: "He lives! All glory to His name!" So during our retreat last week, Sister Applonie asked us to think about what "His glory" was and what it mean to give glory. Of course, being the good student I am, I tried to come up with some semblance of a decent response. I considered her questions. Deeply. Then, during my scripture study, it popped up again. In Alma 36, Alma is talking to his son, Helaman, about his conversion. Toward the end Alma speaks about his missionary efforts and the support the Lord has given him in his trials and says, "Yeah, and I do put my trust in him, and he will still deliver me. And I know that he will raise me up at the last day, to dwell with him in glory; yea, and I will praise him forever..."
Again, I thought about this idea of glory and giving glory. Glory is being raised up at the last day. We are his glory. So how do we give glory? Alma recognized the hand of the Lord in all things. In his delivery from the depths of sin. In his delivery from trials. He put his trust fully in the Lord. He knew the Lord and the promises he was given. My favorite, and what I choose to focus on here, if where he says he will praise him forever. That's it. It starts with the recognition and trust, but really, what good is that if you're not showing your gratitude for these things? Like when you are given something from a close friend and, while realizing and appreciating all the effort put into it, you say nothing and never use it. If we truly understand, or are trying to understand what we have been given, we can show our gratitude and glorify God by using what he has given us.
Apparently I need to be working on this more, otherwise it wouldn't be popping up as much, right? I try. I try really hard. But it is so easy to get caught up in your own world. Then again, I wouldn't have a world if not for the gifts of my Heavenly Father. So the goal is to make our worlds one. To have gifts bestowed upon me that will help me show greater and greater glory as I learn to use them. That's really what they're there for, aren't they? It's time for me to try harder. Be a little less selfish every day. Reach outside my comfort zone and become an influence for good. Time to trust fully in the Lord and give "all glory to His name." Not mine.
That is what I've been thinking about in my soapbox as of late.
Again, I thought about this idea of glory and giving glory. Glory is being raised up at the last day. We are his glory. So how do we give glory? Alma recognized the hand of the Lord in all things. In his delivery from the depths of sin. In his delivery from trials. He put his trust fully in the Lord. He knew the Lord and the promises he was given. My favorite, and what I choose to focus on here, if where he says he will praise him forever. That's it. It starts with the recognition and trust, but really, what good is that if you're not showing your gratitude for these things? Like when you are given something from a close friend and, while realizing and appreciating all the effort put into it, you say nothing and never use it. If we truly understand, or are trying to understand what we have been given, we can show our gratitude and glorify God by using what he has given us.
Apparently I need to be working on this more, otherwise it wouldn't be popping up as much, right? I try. I try really hard. But it is so easy to get caught up in your own world. Then again, I wouldn't have a world if not for the gifts of my Heavenly Father. So the goal is to make our worlds one. To have gifts bestowed upon me that will help me show greater and greater glory as I learn to use them. That's really what they're there for, aren't they? It's time for me to try harder. Be a little less selfish every day. Reach outside my comfort zone and become an influence for good. Time to trust fully in the Lord and give "all glory to His name." Not mine.
That is what I've been thinking about in my soapbox as of late.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
It's Easy to be Surprised With Both Your Eyes Sewn Closed
What an exciting weekend it has been indeed.
First of all, I am extremely behind in my homework because of weekend adventures, work, and just being overwhelmed by the amount of homework and refusing to scratch the surface of it. I should be more concerned, but somehow, I am not. Perhaps tonight or tomorrow I will work feverishly to catch up again. Okay, let's face it. That's exactly what will happen. I have tests each week in most of my classes so I can't get behind. It's probably a good thing. The other activities I have participated during the course of the week instead of keeping up on my homework have been well worth it. Games, movies, and lunches with friends, World of Dance, and work. Yes, well worth it indeed.
Back to the adventures.
The Women's Chorus retreat on Friday was wonderful! I realized while there, (or perhaps it was revelation) why I love to sing. It could be applied to music in general too, I suppose. Music and singing just make me happy. They make me feel so much closer to my Father in Heaven and my Savior. I feel like I am using the talents given me that I have worked so hard to improve for a good purpose. Like when someone gives you a really practical gift, or even something not so practical that you use all the time. It almost forces you to think of them often, and you feel gratitude for that gift. When we have gratitude, even if we don't express it that often, we are blessed and feel that closeness. I feel so much gratitude to Sister Applonie for taking such a risk on me. Okay, I know it wasn't really that much of a risk, but she didn't know that during my audition with pneumonia, which was probably one of the worst auditions I've ever participated in. I'm sure my acceptance must have been divinely inspired.
I loved the retreat because I got to know so many of the girls in my section. We sang our numbers all the way through and could actually hear them. I felt the spirit there. Such peace. Such joy. Such love. It was wonderful.
Saturday morning I ended up working the first production of the day. There were 3 of us. Me and my two ushers. The production was down in the Nelke theater. It was Taming of the Shrew, which, let's just say I'm grateful Saturday was the last day of its run. Normally, just as the performance is about to begin, I send one of my ushers backstage to say the prayer and I take their place. Today, right after sending my usher backstage, one of our patrons needed assistance finding ADA seating. So I close the slower door and pull that usher to mine. No one really ever sees the other door anyway, which is why it's slow. I come back to the door, the production is starting late (15 minutes late, which is extremely rare), and while talking to my usher I notice a woman on the floor. She's just lying there. Not one movement. I think perhaps a student who found a comfy spot in the middle of the floor, but perhaps not. So I go check on her. Lo and behold, she had passed out. She was not okay. Well, BYU EMTs were called and eventually Provo EMTs were called. Fortunately the woman was well enough for her to be released to her husband. They all cleared out just in time for the production to end and we did not have to hold all the patrons in the theater. That would have been fun. I'm just happy this woman was okay and our patrons were able to leave without any problems. And by the way, the ushers working with me that day reacted beautifully.
After work my friend, Cory, and I went up to Park City to hang out with my family who came into town. The drive through Provo Canyon was beautiful! We had intended to go down the Alpine Slide, but when we got there, it was closed. What a disappointment. All the signs said they didn't close until 9 (maybe it was 10), but we were there by 7. I guess it was too late in the season. Cory had never been, so I was disappointed for both of us. So I think we'll have to go up one of these weekends so we can enjoy riding it rather than just staring at it longingly. To soothe our weary souls, we ended up at the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. That'll do. For now.
Later, we headed up to the cabin and just sat around talking. Well, aside from our game of Scrabble, which I won, by a lot. It was really nice to sit and talk to my family. They loved Cory, which doesn't always happen. In fact, we recounted many experiences of my family meeting my friends. Then conversation turned to the guys I've dated. . . and their height. There was lots of laughter with that one. Eventually Cory had to leave and we went to bed. Morning came and we broke camp. It was a lovely weekend.
What we have learned is that we need to check hours of operation before getting too excited about going down the Alpine Slide. We will go again soon.
This is a picture of what it would have looked like had we actually been able to go down the slide. Except I would have had Chloe instead of Cailee, and Cory would have been there. This was last year. Cailee cried a lot before she was laughing. That was the best!
First of all, I am extremely behind in my homework because of weekend adventures, work, and just being overwhelmed by the amount of homework and refusing to scratch the surface of it. I should be more concerned, but somehow, I am not. Perhaps tonight or tomorrow I will work feverishly to catch up again. Okay, let's face it. That's exactly what will happen. I have tests each week in most of my classes so I can't get behind. It's probably a good thing. The other activities I have participated during the course of the week instead of keeping up on my homework have been well worth it. Games, movies, and lunches with friends, World of Dance, and work. Yes, well worth it indeed.
Back to the adventures.
The Women's Chorus retreat on Friday was wonderful! I realized while there, (or perhaps it was revelation) why I love to sing. It could be applied to music in general too, I suppose. Music and singing just make me happy. They make me feel so much closer to my Father in Heaven and my Savior. I feel like I am using the talents given me that I have worked so hard to improve for a good purpose. Like when someone gives you a really practical gift, or even something not so practical that you use all the time. It almost forces you to think of them often, and you feel gratitude for that gift. When we have gratitude, even if we don't express it that often, we are blessed and feel that closeness. I feel so much gratitude to Sister Applonie for taking such a risk on me. Okay, I know it wasn't really that much of a risk, but she didn't know that during my audition with pneumonia, which was probably one of the worst auditions I've ever participated in. I'm sure my acceptance must have been divinely inspired.
I loved the retreat because I got to know so many of the girls in my section. We sang our numbers all the way through and could actually hear them. I felt the spirit there. Such peace. Such joy. Such love. It was wonderful.
Saturday morning I ended up working the first production of the day. There were 3 of us. Me and my two ushers. The production was down in the Nelke theater. It was Taming of the Shrew, which, let's just say I'm grateful Saturday was the last day of its run. Normally, just as the performance is about to begin, I send one of my ushers backstage to say the prayer and I take their place. Today, right after sending my usher backstage, one of our patrons needed assistance finding ADA seating. So I close the slower door and pull that usher to mine. No one really ever sees the other door anyway, which is why it's slow. I come back to the door, the production is starting late (15 minutes late, which is extremely rare), and while talking to my usher I notice a woman on the floor. She's just lying there. Not one movement. I think perhaps a student who found a comfy spot in the middle of the floor, but perhaps not. So I go check on her. Lo and behold, she had passed out. She was not okay. Well, BYU EMTs were called and eventually Provo EMTs were called. Fortunately the woman was well enough for her to be released to her husband. They all cleared out just in time for the production to end and we did not have to hold all the patrons in the theater. That would have been fun. I'm just happy this woman was okay and our patrons were able to leave without any problems. And by the way, the ushers working with me that day reacted beautifully.
After work my friend, Cory, and I went up to Park City to hang out with my family who came into town. The drive through Provo Canyon was beautiful! We had intended to go down the Alpine Slide, but when we got there, it was closed. What a disappointment. All the signs said they didn't close until 9 (maybe it was 10), but we were there by 7. I guess it was too late in the season. Cory had never been, so I was disappointed for both of us. So I think we'll have to go up one of these weekends so we can enjoy riding it rather than just staring at it longingly. To soothe our weary souls, we ended up at the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. That'll do. For now.
Later, we headed up to the cabin and just sat around talking. Well, aside from our game of Scrabble, which I won, by a lot. It was really nice to sit and talk to my family. They loved Cory, which doesn't always happen. In fact, we recounted many experiences of my family meeting my friends. Then conversation turned to the guys I've dated. . . and their height. There was lots of laughter with that one. Eventually Cory had to leave and we went to bed. Morning came and we broke camp. It was a lovely weekend.
What we have learned is that we need to check hours of operation before getting too excited about going down the Alpine Slide. We will go again soon.
This is a picture of what it would have looked like had we actually been able to go down the slide. Except I would have had Chloe instead of Cailee, and Cory would have been there. This was last year. Cailee cried a lot before she was laughing. That was the best!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Oh, Oregon! Paradise Without the Sun
That line comes from a song a friend of mine (I went to high school with him IN Oregon) wrote all about the beautiful state of Oregon. I love Oregon. Oregon is the reason I love rain. Oregon is where I built most of my friendships. Oregon is definitely where my heart is.
About 5 weeks ago I was feeling like Death and really wanted to be around my family. So I call up my sister in Oregon asking if I can come visit her. I was planning on driving out the next day and staying a week, but decided better of it. I was sick. I didn't know what I had at that point. I didn't want her poor kids to get the yuck. In my genius, I hopped online to look at airline fares. Not so good, but still probably do-able. A few days later a checked again. The airline I take from Vegas to Oregon had fares $19.99 each way for Labor Day weekend. YES! That is definitely do-able. So with taxes and fees it ended up being about $75 round-trip. Pretty sweet, I know. I jumped on that one right away and a friend of mine from Salem did the same. To save on gas we drove down together, which was nice having someone to talk to on a drive I normally make myself.
I got to spend an entire weekend with my sister, her two, beautiful children, her husband, and her in-laws. It was fantastic. We played, we shopped, we ate (more that I usually eat in one week. It was very difficult to shove all that good food into my body, but I did it. . . and probably gained a few pounds too), we laughed, I breathed (for the majority of the time), and just had fun. I love hanging out with my sister so much.

Oregon is GREAT! You should all go there!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
It's A New Dawn. It's A Day. It's A New Life.
And I'm feelin' good. . . (insert dramatic instrumental intro here).
Who wouldn't feel good after all I've enjoyed the past. . . lifetime? Well, lifetime is extending it a bit much, but I have been blessed. This time, all I have to say is that it's going to be a good school year. (I just pictured the Mini Wheats commercial with the cereal counting down to yell, "Happy School Year!" in my head. You should too.)
Why? You ask.
1. I think, except for a tinsey, winsey little bit of coughing here and there, I'm FINALLY over this stupid pneumonia. Here are a few of the good things that accompanied this awful, enduring illness of mine: a. While still recovering from pneumonia didn't help my choir audition at all, telling the directors probably did. b. I was able to see how much certain people in my life really do care about me. c. I had an excuse to be lazy and sleep as much as I could for almost an entire week.
2. (Those of you who know me best know I have a tendency to write lists. Love them? Apparently I do.) I got into Women's Chorus! This is a great step in the right direction. I'm one step closer to BYU's music program and double-majoring!
3. I LOVE all of my classes and professors. Not so much one of my labs, but oh well. Can't win them all. I'm excited about school. I'm excited to learn. AND! I'm done by 4pm every day except Thursday. My classes are close together, and, so far, I've been able to get homework done. Sweet!
4. I've already made a couple new friends. One was mentioned in the last post. A few are from classes. I haven't really met anyone from the ward, but I'm sure I will.
5. Tonight I drove with my friend to Las Vegas as the first leg of my trip to OREGON!!! (We got pulled over. I was NOT driving. But didn't get ticketed. Miracles DO happen!) I get to visit my brother and sister for a few days and I can't wait! Plus I get to see Kayla, who is practically a sister to me. Hooray!
Okay, there are a million other reasons why this new school year is going to be fantastic, but I can't list them all here. Suffice it to say I am thrilled! I will maintain this elated state as long as I can keep up with homework for my 9 classes and do well on the exams. I'm trying really hard to hold on to this scholarship.
Here's to a great year! I wish everyone the best of luck, the best of love, and the best laughs.
Who wouldn't feel good after all I've enjoyed the past. . . lifetime? Well, lifetime is extending it a bit much, but I have been blessed. This time, all I have to say is that it's going to be a good school year. (I just pictured the Mini Wheats commercial with the cereal counting down to yell, "Happy School Year!" in my head. You should too.)
Why? You ask.
1. I think, except for a tinsey, winsey little bit of coughing here and there, I'm FINALLY over this stupid pneumonia. Here are a few of the good things that accompanied this awful, enduring illness of mine: a. While still recovering from pneumonia didn't help my choir audition at all, telling the directors probably did. b. I was able to see how much certain people in my life really do care about me. c. I had an excuse to be lazy and sleep as much as I could for almost an entire week.
2. (Those of you who know me best know I have a tendency to write lists. Love them? Apparently I do.) I got into Women's Chorus! This is a great step in the right direction. I'm one step closer to BYU's music program and double-majoring!
3. I LOVE all of my classes and professors. Not so much one of my labs, but oh well. Can't win them all. I'm excited about school. I'm excited to learn. AND! I'm done by 4pm every day except Thursday. My classes are close together, and, so far, I've been able to get homework done. Sweet!
4. I've already made a couple new friends. One was mentioned in the last post. A few are from classes. I haven't really met anyone from the ward, but I'm sure I will.
5. Tonight I drove with my friend to Las Vegas as the first leg of my trip to OREGON!!! (We got pulled over. I was NOT driving. But didn't get ticketed. Miracles DO happen!) I get to visit my brother and sister for a few days and I can't wait! Plus I get to see Kayla, who is practically a sister to me. Hooray!
Okay, there are a million other reasons why this new school year is going to be fantastic, but I can't list them all here. Suffice it to say I am thrilled! I will maintain this elated state as long as I can keep up with homework for my 9 classes and do well on the exams. I'm trying really hard to hold on to this scholarship.
Here's to a great year! I wish everyone the best of luck, the best of love, and the best laughs.
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