Friday, April 30, 2010

In Fact There's Nothing I Can't Be

Just a random little post for you. Woke up this morning and decided, I haven't stepped on the scale for a little while. I did right after I got home from California and was a little shocked to see a smaller number on the scale than before I left. Did it really take me not exercising or eating within my regimented diet (that I didn't always follow 100% anyway) to see a difference? Seems counter-intuitave. Very much so, in fact. Anyway, it wasn't much of a difference then, but I guess it got all the other pounds excited to jump off the scale too. So, even though it has taken me 4 months to get to this point, I have finally surpassed that stupid little 5 lb mark and am in a lower set of 10's than before. I haven't really noticed much of a difference in my clothes yet, but it's only 5 lbs. Even so, it has me excited to lose more. I'm hoping 5 more by my birthday. Happy birthday to me! Right? I'm guessing the 2+ hours of dancing every day this week and my attempt to get back to the gym every day (starting yesterday) has helped. So here's to finally (in the future) looking how I want and feeling like me again!

Thank you for sharing this happy little moment with me.

P.S. If I hadn't mentioned before, vinegar works wonders for getting the sting out of sunburns. Sure, you may smell a little like vinegar for a bit, but oh, if the burn is bad enough, it's well worth it.

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