Well, I've been back in Provo for a few days now... how exciting. School started again yesterday. Oh, joy. I've decided to be an idiot again and take too many classes. However, I wouldn't have health insurance if I weren't going at least full time, and because I'm just now a junior, I haven't been able to take a lot of the classes I've wanted to up until now. And I can't take them until at least winter of 2011 when I register as a junior. So I'm taking them now, since I can. It's gonna be a grand ole time.
Let me tell you how the last couple of days of my spring break went...
Uhm... ZOO!
Need I say more? I guess not, but I will. The zoo was amazing. Kind of funny though. My family was there and we had lunch with them, but that's about all we saw of them. They decided to go on the bus tour, and our passes didn't get us on the bus. Plus, I'd rather see the aminals up close and personal. While we were there, one of the zoo ladies drove up to the kookaburra and started making all of these crazy sounds at it... and it went nuts! It was pretty great. I've never heard anything like that, ever! Plus, we saw all sorts of other great zoo animals. I was very disappointed that there were no kangaroos though. I did see my favorite animal, so I guess I'll live.
I wanted to get back to Vegas that night so I could get back to Provo Sunday. The plan was to be back in time for ward prayer, but I got a little caught up. I was also supposed to hang out with one of my Oregon buddies now living in Vegas, but he was sick. Why did he have to be sick? Stupid being sick.
So instead of hanging out with Mike, I went up to St. George early Sunday morning and spent the day (yes, we went to church) with another good friend I rarely see. We met last summer selling in Phoenix together. Yes, I'm pretty sure I've mentioned Nick before and have told you of the crazy friendship we have. If not, well, we're good friends and I rarely see him, so when we do get together, it's sheer madness I tell you. Well his ward started at 11 (Utah time) so I had to leave at 8 (Nevada time) to get there, which means I woke up at 7 to get ready after getting home and going to bed past midnight. Did I mention already how little I slept this weekend because of the whole Eddie thing. Yeah, I'm glad (perhaps lucky) I didn't die. Overdramatic you say? Well, probably. But I lived and that's all that matters.
Oh yeah, back to St. George. I got there early. Nick did not. In fact, he was a good 15 minutes late. As far as hymns go, we only sang together for the closing hymn, but everyone noticed the quality and volume increase by about 50 times. No joke. People commented on the good part, and I couldn't help but notice the volume. I try not to listen to myself when I sing. The whole thing was just funny.
After church, his brother and sister-in-law were having a picnic and invited us along. It was right next to the St. George tabernacle, so as we were waiting for Andy and Mandy, we went on a little tour. The missionary couple, of course, couldn't resist asking about us (as the couple we're not) and how we met, etc. Oh, and when we were getting married. Ha! We set an imaginary date... just for them. They thought the joke was funny. So, everyone, Nick and I are getting married on my birthday this year. Everyone else is doing it, why can't we? (If anyone for any reason believe this, then slap yourself upside your head and call yourself an idiot, cause it's not true.)
The picnic was great. We chatted, sang love songs and sat out in the grass for a while. It's just what we do. Don't judge. Afterward, I was given a little tour of Nick's favorite St. George spots and we went back to the church to sing some more. This time with a piano. :) Honestly, the goal was to be out of St. George and in Provo by 8. I gave up on that when I realized Nick actually had time for me this go around. Usually when we get to visit, it's just a pass through. It was an unexpected and pleasant change. Since he's going to be in China when I go home for my birthday in a few weeks, I told him he needs to come up for my birthday party the following week... if it actually happens. He might move back home (in SLC) this summer to help his dad who just had surgery, and I'm hoping he does. We probably still won't see much of each other, but it will be more than if he stays in the big G-Saint. Well, I guess we'll have to wait and see what he decides to do. It's always nice to have "old" friends around.
Monday was crazy. I was home for about 5 minutes at a time. Tuesday classes started. Yep. 9 credits. I'm insane. And I went to see Edith. They were supposed to get him out today, but it looks like it won't happen until Monday. He's survived one whole week in jail, I'm sure he can make it another. They're still struggling with the whole thing. I don't really blame them, and I think it's pretty natural. But they're doing better. At least, Edith has started to see things a little differently. So we'll see how this turns out too. If you've got it in your heart, their family could really use some prayers.
Well, that's about it for now. Long, I know. It usually is. Forgive me. Good luck to everyone taking classes this term and congratulations to all who have graduated last week. Yep Em, that means you!
I love the San Diego zoo. It is probably one of my favorites.