It has been brought to my attention that I haven't posted in over a week. Apparently that's something that will cost me a few lashings if I dare attempt it again. Well, I'm sorry. A lot has been going on. Well, not a lot, but let's just say finals week is a jealous mistress. I have had some fun since classes ended... thank goodness. I'm grateful I was smart enough to prepare for finals a couple weeks in advance. And now, a day early, I can say I am officially finished with finals for the semester. Ah yes. Refreshing indeed. But back to all the fun. Where to begin?...
(Wavy flashback scene)
Oh I remember now. Classes ended the 13th for winter, which meant all of my real in-class (can only take in class before the end of classes because there aren't enough rooms for them during finals week) finals were over. 3 classes down... 3 to go. 3 very challenging classes to go. As is tradition in our apartment now, we, of course, ended the semester with a roommate slumber party. Really, all this entails is pulling our mattresses out into the living room (also requiring a bit of rearranging) and sleeping in the same room. Usually there's some junk food involved, a movie or two and definitely some Nintendo 64. Cause we're cool like that.
Emily also got a flat... so we changed the tire. I feel so manly sometimes.

Oh, dare I forget, the one tradition that never fails: mattress jumping. Shh... don't tell the landlord. We pile up the blankets and pillows and jump from the highest height in our living room... and take pictures. Let's be honest here, what's the point in doing something strange if it isn't or can't be documented? (This all happened in the evening because during the naturally lighted hours of the day, I was feverishly studying for the freakishly hard tests quickly approaching.) We even had a guest for part of the evening. We didn't last semester, but maybe we should have, because hey, the more the merrier.
Friday I took the "hardest" test of finals week. Or so my teacher and all the TAs told me. It was actually pretty hard. I'm grateful for my B. (I talked to a girl in my class today that got a 62... I was really grateful for my 84... but felt so bad for her. No really, it was seriously hard. But shoot, I studied seriously hard for it.)
Saturday was a day full of fun, adventure, antics and wedding stuff. I woke up as early as I could, ran to the store to get a shower gift for my wonderful friend, went to her shower, ran home and showered myself, ran off to my cousin's (well... kind of a cousin) wedding reception, then hopped on the freeway headed north to Sugarhouse Park. It was Jason's (another friend from Oregon) birthday.

His brother, Kevin, decided to throw him a party and miraculously convinced a carload of Oregonians to attend. There may have been some kind of bribe involved. I would imagine so because that's one long drive. The party aspect of it was great. The surprise went off without a hitch. However, the best part of this weekend was Won. She was in the carload of Oregonians who made the journey all the way out to the "promised land". I couldn't be happier. I haven't seen her since... well, since just about 2 months after I got home from my mission... over a year ago! Won and I were roommates just after high school and she's seriously the little sister I never had. I love her guts!

We talked about boys, school, life, dreams, goals, plans, careers, more boys and how much we've missed each other. She refuses to move out here, which breaks my heart. I would go back to Oregon in a heart beat if I could. Alas, my fate is to stay in Utah. At least for now. Which, I guess I'm fine with. At least the sun is shining consistently now. Well, I had a wonderful time with Won and the boys (it's quite common for Won and I to be the only two girls in a large group... at least it was "back in the day") and it ended too quickly.
Hmm... what else to mention? Sunday was pretty good. I didn't sleep at all Saturday night and felt sick from all the junk I put in my body over the last several days (or something, I'm just not sure, but it wasn't pleasant), so I made it to Sacrament meeting Sunday and went home to sleep it off. That helped. Then went and watched some Avatar. No, not that movie with the blue people. The real Avatar. You know, the last air bender. Soooooooo good. My roommates were having some people over for dinner, which I'm sure I could have stayed for and enjoyed with them, but I struggle quite severely in large groups of people I don't know. Needless to say, I opted out. It's really not the people. I'm sure they're wonderful people, and they sounded like they were having fun. I just can't handle it all the time. Well, I was invited to have dinner with the apartment of lovely ladies I visit teach. They won a free dinner from a service auction last month, and hey, my friend happened to be the one cooking. Great company of people I knew... I was picking that one. So spicy thai food it was. And it was delicious. Spicier than my body usually tolerates, but it was so worth it. Later, this culinary mastermind of a friend and I went for a lovely little walk since the sky and outside places were so lovely. Apparently I enjoy the company of this particular person. I haven't asked him to leave yet.
Monday, Monday. Monday is kind of a blur. I remember a book... notecards... literature... the sun... pen... some burning... I think a movie is in there somewhere... FHE.... ICE CREAM!... so hot... why is it so hot?... cute boy sitting next to me? Yes, but there must be something more... ugh... why is it so hot?... who left the broiler on?... what?!... not me... Emily?... oh no! it was Lauren.... WHY!?!... so hot... midnight. Bed.
I woke up early this morning knowing there was much to do and very little time to do it in. What? It's already 1:30. I need to go to bed. But I'll finish this for your sake. Whomever "you" may be. Yep. I worked the whom. So, I woke up and studied for a good 3 hours. I think. Finally I realized, oh yeah, said boy on the couch next to me asked me out to lunch today... in an hour! YES! I've been getting ready for the day in record time lately. Showered (including necessary shaving even), dressed, hair, makeup, gathering all I need for whatever event of the day, all in 30 minutes. And looking fairly good if I do say so myself. I'll admit though, as excited as I was, I was probably just as nervous. I don't know why. Probably because I'm completely unaware of any proper social etiquette/norms/interaction. I haven't done the date thing since, well, let's not bring that up, but it's been almost 5 months! That's enough to make a girl feel out of practice. Not that I've ever felt really confident about the whole dating thing anyway. Luckily everything went well. I didn't spill on myself, injure myself, drool on myself, spill, injure or drool on anyone else. Yeah, I think that went well. Actually, it was all quite sweet... and a lot of fun (at least on my end. There's no accounting for him, and though I didn't commit any of the above crimes, there's no reason to think I couldn't have easily made a fool of myself completely unawares). We went on a picnic. And it was wonderful. I made friends with a bee. He did not. We talked, we laughed, we ate. Not in that exact order, but you get the idea. What a wonderful way to (hopefully) end this drought. I guess we'll have to wait and see if he comes back or if he was completely scarred by the experience. I, for one, was thrilled...and pray I didn't scar him. (I could go on and on about how handsome, interesting, funny, smart, and overall attractive I think he is, but for the sake of him possibly reading this, I won't. :) )

To end an already wonderful day, I took my last final. Yep. Done! Why would that be wonderful? Because I got a 92 on it!!! This was one of my harder classes mind you. And if I can share a little secret without being condemned, this is the class I had a hard time getting to in the morning... so I wasn't always there. I'm shocked I did so well on the test. But again, it just goes to show what study can do. Even though I didn't make it to every class, I did try to keep up with the reading and assignments. How do you motivate yourself to go to a mass lecture at the crack of dawn in winter? I mean really, do you blame me?
Now I have the day tomorrow to relax, perhaps play some tennis, pack, and tomorrow night, it's off to Vegas. Then Thursday, to the warm beaches of San Diego! Don't worry, I'll be back. I will post pictures and update, etc before another week has passed. You'll live. I promise.
(^What's this picture? you ask? Well, this one is just for good measure. Because I like the picture and this the whole world should see it.) Enjoy BYU's "spring break" y'all! I know I will.