I'm feeling pretty good today. Sick, yes. Does my back still hurt like an 82-year-old arthritic woman? Oh yes. But I'm still feeling good.
This weekend I went north to help my sister paint parts of her house. It may sound a little odd, but I really enjoy painting walls. The change and the work involved I think is what does it for me. Plus I love color. On top of that, there's my sister who is just so much fun to be around. She's (and really I feel this way about all of my sisters) one of the few people who I feel really understands me. Or at least tries hard to understand me. So I'm glad she called me, and I'm glad I invited myself to help her paint, and I'm glad I got to help sew new curtains for her kids' rooms. It's been a while since I've sewn... even straight lines. It was refreshing really.
To make matters better, I took my Physics midterm and got a B+!
And better yet, despite my screaming back, I went to all blocks of church and it was amazing. I have a new calling as the ward music committee chair/leader, whatever you want to call it. It's a lot more work than I anticipated, but I love it. The hymns didn't get to the communications committee (even though I emailed them a week early... which was probably the problem) and the accompanist for the musical number was in Salt Lake 20 minutes prior to the start of Sacrament meeting, and the chorister was ill, but all this aside, the hymns were sung, the accompanist showed up on time and I led music. Everything went off without a hitch... or so it seemed to everyone not involved. Sacrament meeting was beautiful. One of those that just fills your soul. (Thank you Emily for being willing to emergency accompany yesterday.)
One of the speakers had the topic of fasting and fast offerings. Of course the scripture in Malachi that says, "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." It's a common scripture used with tithing and fast offerings and I've heard it and used it a million times. It took on a bit of a new meaning for me yesterday after Relief Society and talking about things that distract us from our priorities. When the speaker paraphrased this scripture, he said there were so many blessings that we cannot receive them all, in the same context as there being too many to receive. I thought to myself, is it that there are too many for our capacities, or do we just not know how to receive them because of feelings of unworthiness, not understanding how to recognize and receive the Lord's blessings, or can we not receive them because we do not want them? ...We don't want to put forth the effort required to receive them? Yes, the Lord says there shall not be room enough to receive it, but are we not making room for blessings in our lives? Is that why there's not room. We know the blessings are bountiful. Can we make room for them?
So, a new part of my goals is trying to make more room for the Lord's blessings in my life. That, of course means recognizing them better (because I know they're there, but I'm sure I sometimes miss them), trying to be more worthy of His blessings, and trying harder to make the daily things we're supposed to be doing more sincere.
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