Monday, March 15, 2010

Go Shawty, It's Your Birthday!

Oh boy, birthday week! This past Tuesday was my roommate's birthday and since we love birthdays around here, we like to celebrate BIG! Monday night we set up a nice big scavenger hunt for her to wake up to which involved clues, tons of orange arrows and random little gifts (one was a color-changing Barbie). Since we wanted people to come, we planned her party for that Friday. So yes, we began the pinata-making process early. Our kitchen table was unusable the entire week, but it was SO worth it.

I couldn't think of a thing to
get her for her birthday, so I decided to make something, knowing that she loves collages and her entire party was based off her favorite colors: orange and green. This is what I came up with. I was looking for ideas online and saw a really cute picture holder, but it was $50 including shipping and nowhere to be found in town. As much as I love her, there's no way I could rationalize spending $50 on her and there's no way it would have been here in time. So using my little crafty, non-science oriented brain, I found some wooden dowels, cute ribbons and a TON of buttons, found pictures of her to use
(this was also a display piece for her party),
and fashioned this lovely arrangement. It only took 3 hours. So, maybe it did end up costing $50 in parts and labor, but it was a labor of love and I love it... and kind of want i
t for myself. It holds 13-25 pictures. Please don't steal my idea and patent it. Other decorations for this party included tons and tons of orange and green dots which we plotted all over our walls. Oh yes, it was a glorious green and orange nightmare. We had so much fun and played pin the tail on the donkey, hit pinatas full of candy and played charades. We are the best birthday party throwers... especially if you're a 6-year-old.

Friday was also the actual birthday of a good friend of mine. We felt bad for taking over his birthday with my roommate's party, so Thursday night we brought him his very own cake. I was surprised with how well it turned out since I've never made an ice cream cake. But picture this: chocolate cake with cookies and cream ice cream with whipped cream frosting. Mmm... delicious. Or so he says.

Last minute, I decided to drive home (a 5+ hour drive) because Saturday was my dad's birthday. Did I mention it was a week full of birthday fun? So after going to bed around 3, I woke up at 7:30 and was on the road by 8. I got home around 1:30 (pacific time) and surprised my dad. That was probably the happiest I've seen him in a long time... at least from my view. So I'm glad I got to spread some birthday cheer. It was nice for my nieces to come running and screaming to hug me too. We went out to dinner that night, did a little shopping and watched a movie. I wasn't planning to, but stayed for church, took a nap, and, after visiting with my sister for about an hour, was on the road again and made it back by 9pm. Quick trip, but it was definitely worth it. I probably wouldn't have done it if I still had multiple projects and assignments due, but I had them finished by Friday afternoon.

As another good news moment, my wonderful roommate (the birthday roommate) found an opening at her job, recommended me for the position, and her boss hired me! I am no longer unemployed!!! I work on campus as an usher for the productions and recitals there. I'm so excited. I don't even know how much I'm getting paid, but I don't really care. I HAVE A JOB! The added bonus is that I get to work with my roommate. I have a feeling I'm going to really enjoy this.

Here's to another great week!

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