Saturday, February 6, 2010

It's About Time For A New Start

I've been avoiding this blogging thing for a while. My sisters all have blogs and a lot of my friends do, and I just love reading their blogs. Granted, I don't have any children or anything truly exciting happening in my life yet for people to read about. I'm not sure anyone will even read my blog, outside of my family. If that's the case, well, I have a place to write anyway. It's about time for a new start in life, and there's no time like the present.

My roommates and I have started running lately. Or, trying to get into the running thing. That's more like it really. I found out two weeks ago that I have mild hypothyroidism, which means my thyroid isn't as active as it should be, my metabolism sucks, and it's not bad enough for my doctor to want to treat it yet. It also means I get to go get blood work done every two months until it is bad enough to be medicated (then the blood work gets done every 6 months) and I have to be extra careful about my diet. So now I run 3 days a week and dance 2 days a week, avoid sugar and anything that supposedly affects the thyroid (like broccoli, dairy, peaches and pears, juices, etc...). It's really good for the endorphins, but still a little depressing that I can't eat like a "normal" person. I have a roommate who deals with the same thing, but she's had it forever and is medicated. So at least I have someone nearby who kind of understands the whole deal. I also count my blessings that can be successfully treated.

I'm also trying to get my social life back in order. I've always been kind of a home body. Not "home" home where my parents and family live, but my apartment. I love it here and it's just comfortable. I'm even completely content with being alone most of the time. I've been better getting to know some of the people in my ward, so that's a step in the right direction.

Sleep is the other area that needs serious maintenance. I don't do it. Not for lack of trying. I just can't seem to sleep. Ever. I don't really know how to fix this one, but I can try. If anyone has anything outside of Tylenol PM every night (I did that for a couple months, and it helped, until my body got used to it), I'm open to suggestions.

And I still need a job that's flexible to my school schedule. Nigh unto impossible, which is why I don't have one yet.

So here's to the new year. Yes I know it's February. I've been working on this stuff for a while, so it's not necessarily new. Just new to you. Like a lightly used car in excellent condition. Good luck to you all in your resolutions and let's pray 2010 shines brighter than 2009.

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