This is the newest, and most technologically amazing, picture of our little June Bug. Tomorrow she will be 26 weeks and she already has a little bit of chub on her. We're getting so close to the third trimester, and I'm so excited to see her face to face! We're really fortunate that we've had 4 ultrasounds during this pregnancy. It's a blessing that U of U happened to be doing a study for first time moms during all this. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to see her progress like we have. I love this picture too. We got a DVD recording of the entire ultrasound, which was pretty great. I got to show Cory the whole thing since he couldn't come to the appointment. Up, and covering a little bit of the right side of her face, what looks like it could be her arm, is really her leg. You can kind of see her ankle just above. She was so wiggly the whole time, and refused to move her arm out of the way, so the sonographer literally had to prod her until she moved. She wasn't very compliant the first couple of tries, but eventually, with the right angle shift, she cooperated. And I love that her little lip is sticking out a bit. During the ultrasound, we even got a little smile out of her. I'm hoping I can do a screen shot from the DVD so I can post that too. And the part where she is grabbing and playing with her toes. It really was super cute. I got to see her open and close her hand, so I know all the fingers are there (Cory's brother has 2 fused toes... so you never know). We got to look at all the chambers of her heart, her stomach, diaphragm, kidneys, brain... and everything looks good.
I'm so grateful she is healthy, and seems to be a happy little girl in there. She's very wiggly and likes to scrunch up and stretch out. She's having her own personal dance party or something. I love her so much and feel so lucky that we get to hold her in our arms in 3 short months. :)
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