Yesterday I had an appointment with my doctor. We got to hear baby's heart beat again, which he didn't tell me what it was. But everything sounded good.
Today I had an appointment at the hospital where I am participating in a new mom (pregnant lady) study. They're trying to find indicators for birth defects, low birth weight, and pre-term labor. Things of that nature. Anyway, today at my appointment, since they do ultrasounds at each appointment and I'm 17 weeks, we could find out gender. I know a lot of people like the surprise, but Cory and I wanted to know. Badly. Once we have one of each, we might let it be a surprise.
I also found out that Cory has been really excited about finding out what the baby is. It took hearing how excited his co-workers were (directly from them) and having them tell me that they've been hearing about it for a LONG time. He's pretty good at keeping cool. I think part of it is that if we're both too excited at home, we'd never get anything done. I really did love hearing from his co-workers that they were excited for us. It made some of those long days seem less stressful. (My husband works with some pretty neat people.)
Well, without delaying any longer, here are the results of our ultrasound:

Hello June Bug! We look forward to meeting you this summer!
Congrats! That is soooo exciting!