Saturday, November 19, 2011

Big News

Since most people we are close to already know, or figured it out somehow, I guess we can tell the world now. At least to those who read this blog... and maybe next week to the entire world. Anyone who reads my blog gets special privileges. Because I like you that much.

And brace yourself for a BUNCH of other blog posts that have been sitting in limbo.

Cory and I will be expecting Baby #1 June 22nd, 2012!

We couldn't be more thrilled!

We've known for over a month and it has been killing me to keep it a secret. So I'm glad the beans were spilled.

Last night we went to my cousin's wedding in St. George and my mom told her sisters. No big deal. They asked.

At work, a couple of people didn't know, and the doors were wide open at one of our meetings when our boss said congratulations on the baby! I think she felt bad for spilling, but again, oh well. We had to tell her a while ago to get some extra medical insurance coverage since she had to sign some papers for us.

We finally told the grandparents (not our parents, but Cory's grandparents) at dinner this past Sunday. Cory's uncle is an ER nurse at Intermountain, so we were hoping to get a good recommendation on a dr. We sure got one. And the cousins are thrilled. There aren't a lot of great-grandbabies running around, so it will be nice to be in a small group versus the 18 grandkids my parents already have. Cory's parents only have 4 grandkids so far... and since this is the first from a son, I'm sure it will be nice and special too. They're not the type to pick favorites, so I'm certain all their grandbabies will be special as they come along.

Pretty soon everyone close to us was going to know anyway. I just wasn't going to tell everyone until mid-december when we're completely through the first trimester. But again, most of our really close friends and most of the family knows anyway.

We have our 2nd appointment on Cory's birthday, Dec. 14th, where we'll get to hear the heartbeat (another reason I wasn't going to spill until then). At the last appointment they said everything was looking really good. I don't exactly know how everything "look" good when you can't SEE anything. I get my first sonogram at 20 weeks. But, I'm thinking about helping out a research study for new moms that is looking for reasons for low birth weight, and other problems of newborns. Sure, helping others is great, and a good reason to do it, but I'm a little selfish and kind of considering it for the 3 sonograms... free sonograms. So hopefully we don't have twins so I can participate and see my baby pretty soon. :) I won't be posting sonogram pictures on facebook. I know a lot of people do it, but I think it's a little impersonal. And I think the 3D pictures are a little creepy. I don't know why. I'm not judging or anything. They're cool, but they creep me out.

Anyway, that's our big news for now.

I'm 9 weeks and some days, 3 more to go till we're pretty much in the clear.
And we're super excited!


1 comment:

  1. I can't believe I missed this post! Of all posts! My sidebar on my blog says your blog was updated a month ago. Not so! Lol. Congrats!!!
