So I decided to make my own. The fabric store had just about everything 50% off... so I picked up some cute fabrics, piping, thread, and had at it. Well, I didn't have any filling, and I wasn't going to pay $30 to fill my pillows either. When I went to Walmart, they had a sale on pillows and it hit me. I'm just going to transfer stuffing from regular pillows to my couch throw pillows. $5 I can do. So 4 pillows, minus labor of course, cost me $20. $5 a piece I can work with.

I'm especially proud of myself since I don't have sewing machine. I'm really hoping to get one once Cory and I have a little more space that I can actually put a sewing machine. Until then, I either have to borrow... or do it all by hand. And did you see that piping?!?
Sewing machines don't take up that much room. Mine fits nicely under my bed ;-)