We officially have a photographer!!! And stamps!!! Hooray!!!
It's amazing all the little things you don't really think about when planning a wedding. Like stamps. And BOY do those little suckers add up.
All these little things are coming together.
My next big project: addressing envelopes! Sound daunting? Well, it would if I were doing it all by hand. But my loving, and very wise, mother is putting all the addresses on labels. So all I really have to do is peel and stick. Multiply that by 350 and it's still daunting. But my mom has really put a lot of time and thought into making this whole thing as easy as possible. I'm so grateful!
What I really need to focus on is finals. They're just around the corner! I don't feel prepared. I have little to no idea what is going on in one of my classes (I know some people like to pass the buck and blame it on poor teaching skills on behalf of the instructor... but genuinely, I think in this case that's where to point fingers). So I need to go in and chat with the TAs for a bit.
My other big projects:
Purge, purge, PURGE! Get rid of as much of my stuff as I can possibly part with (being reasonable and considering sentiment, of course). Our new apartment, while quaint, is TINY. AND, sell my apartment contract. I'm making a DI trip tomorrow. I cleaned out a lot of my closet. Got rid of another 2-3 boxes worth of stuff. We had another set of girls come look at the apartment tonight. I'm really holding out hope that SOMEONE will buy my contract. I think it's tough partially because it's spring and summer, and partially because a lot of the info on management's website is wrong.
Example: SS contract $160 - shared - available July 1st.
What it should say: SS contract $160 - private - available April 23rd.
See how those little facts might deter someone? I've had to correct it for everyone that has come by. But at least they're coming by!!! I could use the prayers though.
And if you happen to know of anyone (single woman/women) looking for a place to live in Provo this Spring and Summer... please refer them to me.
We're sending out invitations the last week of April, so keep an eye on your mailboxes everyone!!!
Oh shoot. I still need to get our engagements back, we need to pick one, print them, and finish stuffing envelopes too. Yeah, I need some prayers.
But after this, it should be smooth sailing. Right?
(I did intent to end this post after the 3rd paragraph... it never happens as we intend.)
Congrats again to Korrie & Kendall! Can't wait to meet Macaylah next month!!!
It is nice when it all comes together. You guys are getting so close.