I am so excited.

This weekend, Cory went to BYU-I with the Men's Chorus. Luckily this weekend was also my nephew's baptism, so my parents came up and stayed with me. My mom and I got to finish up some wedding things. I'm SO glad I actually got to do some of this WITH her. It was crazy, and busy, but so wonderful. In my sister's ward, Sam was baptized, as well as an ENTIRE family. A lot of people bore testimony about eternal families and the temple. I have to admit that I got a little choked up thinking about my own eternal family. Yes, there's my parents and siblings, but soon Cory and I get to start our VERY OWN family. I am SO excited!

...oh, and Cory and I have both been having weird dreams about babies. His was about us having twins. Interesting.
You guys are on top of things! I'm impressed!