I had just about the most wonderful Valentine's Day I've ever had, ever. There was nothing too spectacular. I mean, there were no hot air balloon rides, or jewelry, or home-cooked meal. BUT! There was a beautiful candlelight dinner while watching the sunset. Just lovely. It was very cute.
Cory came over when he was finished with classes. Thinking we had some kind of dinner reservation (I'm not sure where in Provo you'd end up with one of those), he told me we were running late, so I tried to hurry a bit. We get into his car and start driving. We're driving for a while... into the mountains... and I'm thinking, "where on earth are we going?" We pull up to the "Y" entrance and park. Then I think, "uh... Cory, you're not gettin ANY action, if that's your plan." Okay, we all know Cory a little better than that. So we stop, he gets out of the car and pops his trunk.
After leaving me in the car and making a few trips, suddenly, in his car, we have a lovely candlelit (battery-operated, mind you... it would be a fire hazard otherwise) dinner with sparkling cider and flowers. It was really sweet. And I'm not a romantic. Not really in the least. I laugh at mushy, sweet things. I don't know why. Maybe some day I'll get used to it.
We finished a delicious dinner, watching the sunset (NOT the sunrise, LAUREN!), and went to see Unstoppable in the dollar theater. There isn't much worth seeing in the "normal" theaters right now, and neither of us had seen it. I recommend it!
It was very sweet. For him, I took his wedding band in a week or so ago to get it engraved. I know, not as cool as a candlelight dinner... but I do what I can.
I also thought I might share my little Valentine's Day surprise.
My roommate, Lauren, is single. I am not. I know what it's like to be single on Valentine's Day. And poor Lauren was feeling especially down this year. So I picked up a few little trinkets and brought them down to the basement of the library where she works. I left the few little trinkets with the guys that were working that shift and told them, as long as she received them in tact, they could do what they want with them. Which, I found out when I returned from my wonderful date, included hiding different items in EACH of the lockers with signs and love notes. It was awesome. Lauren suspected me, as I knew she would, so I bluffed. She freaked out that it might have been a boy that walked her to class one day. Finally, I fessed. She was relieved. We had a laugh. Better yet, she had a good night.
Happy Valentine's Day to you all!
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