Thursday night, my dad flew into Vegas, so I picked him up, and he dropped me off at the airport (after a quick food run). I got into the airport only to realize that I left my wallet in the car! Of course I would. Fortunately my dad was only at the end of passenger drop-off and answered his phone. Hooray! Disaster averted. My flight left at 1am Friday morning. Early morning. We flew into Minneapolis first, which seemed a little out of the way to me, but I guess that's just how it goes. Then finally in Columbus. I got in... too early and drove to my cousin's in West Virginia. So in the course of a day, I was in three states I had never been to before.
My cousin has just the cutest family. And the craziest cats. But it was fun, and very nice of them to have me. I know driving 2+ hours out of my way seems ridiculous, but it saved me a bunch of money not having to get a hotel in addition to a car. Yeah, there's the gas to consider, but it was still less expensive this, I got to hang out with my cousin and his family. So that really made the driving time worth it.
I must say, Ohio and West Virginia are BEAUTIFUL!

It is SO green out here. And the weather was just perfect! You couldn't ask for better wedding weather.
My cousin was telling me how dull the drive would be because there's "nothing". In Illinois, you have a lot of wheat and soy fields, but not here. It's just miles and miles of trees and green. I've seen a lot of wildlife. Mostly deer. I think most of them were deer. Sometimes it's hard to tell when it's just a pile of skin on the side of the road. No joke. My favorite was just the big red splat on the road... and a head several yards later. Good thing blood and guts doesn't gross me out like it did before. Still makes me sad, but not nauseous. I've never seen so much roadkill in my life. In two days, I saw at least 50 dead deer.
Anyway, back to what you really wanted to hear about... EMILY & PATRICK!

I'll start this story off by telling you that on the plane I realized, just like I forget everything, my camera included, I left my temple recommend in Provo. Dumb. So I called everyone I could to try to next day it to me. But since my cousin lives in, apparently the middle of nowhere, according to the post office, they couldn't guarantee its arrival until Monday... two days too late.

I was eventually able to call and get everything worked out with the temple and my bishop and could go to the sealing. I've never cried at a sealing like I did here. Yeah, I've only been to a few, but still... Emily has such a special place in my heart. And I'm so happy/excited for her. It also made me so excited for my own wedding.

I had a few hours to kill before the reception, so of course I went here:

Culver's is one of my favorite food joints from my mission. I was SO excited when I found one in Columbus. I figured they'd have one or two since they're all over the Chicago area, but I didn't want to get my hopes up either. They have some of the BEST frozen custard. So this was my "usual" I suppose:

Yum! And it only cost about $7! That's what I love about Culver's. It's great food... a lot of great food, and reasonably priced! And did you see those beautifully golden crinkle-cut fries??? I'm drooling again just thinking about it.
Not only did I go to Culver's but I took a drive around downtown Columbus. It was so beautiful and I loved all the old architecture against the new.

There were about a million churches on this one street. They were all gorgeous. Remember how I told you I forgot my camera? Yeah, well, all my pictures are off my phone. Don't worry, I didn't take any while I was driving. I was stopped.
Emily and Patrick's reception was beautiful and I got some GREAT ideas for Cory and my wedding. I'm SO glad I got to come out. It was SO worth all the money and the time. I love Emily and Patrick and wish them all the love in the world. They are such beautiful people and an even more beautiful couple.
To finish off the weekend, my sister, Kelli, finally gave birth to her twins! I was waiting all night last night for the news. Baby boy is Spencer Avery at 6lbs 13oz, baby girl is Leah Joy at 6lbs 10oz. Goodness! Almost 14lbs of baby!!! Kelli is a wonderful mother, and I know that 8 is a handful, especially with 2 at once, but if anyone can do it, she can.
What a great weekend!
Now I can't wait to get back home to my man. I miss him.